Thursday, August 23, 2012

Picking Peppers

I went to my uncle's house yesterday where I picked well over $100 worth of fresh sweet peppers from his vines and didn't even make a dent in the volume of peppers in his garden. All the while thinking, If not for things like utilities and taxes, people like me would never need jobs in the first place. My uncle doesn't have a farm, just a big backyard that probably measures about an acre from which about 1/8 is tilled.

And why is it that my 82 year old uncle is able to grow and give away enough produce to feed 20 or more families a year from what is for him just a hobby when children all across America and around the world go to bed hungry each night?

I wasn't kidding when I said I have the skills to help feed Greensboro's poor, provide jobs and bring a grocery store back to the Bessemer Shopping Center. Before I learned how to bash crooked politicians and catch them in their lies I learned how to build and survive. It's what my family was all raised learning how to do like it or not. And the sooner we get rid of the old guard the sooner we can have Real Progress For Greensboro and not just Greensboro's elite few.