Sunday, September 16, 2012

Greensboro And Guilford County Corporate Welfare

First Mayor Robbie Perkins finds a joint City-County fund that contains more than enough money to fun water and sewer into Roy Carroll's as yet undeveloped and unsold business parks along the county lines 10 miles outside the Greensboro City Limits.

And then the County Commissioners and the Greensboro Economic Development Alliance give away land to develop a larger competing industrial park just across the highway from Roy's project meaning that Roy now has to compete with free. That can only mean one thing: Roy and others like him will come back before Council seeking relief. It's a never ending spiral of city and county corporate welfare to Corporations and well connected developers that must be stopped today, right now.

It's time we called for the impeachment of Mayor Robbie Perkins and any other elected official, City, County or State, who gets in our way!

And just to get the ball rolling I've founded the Impeach Robbie Perkins Facebook Group.