Thursday, September 25, 2014

Ben Holder Resigns, Is The Troublemaker Back?

An unconfirmed rumor was circulating throughout City of Greensboro offices today that Ben Holder has resigned from his position as a mercenary code enforcement officer for the City of Greensboro. Mr Holder's whereabouts are currently unknown. Rumors that he might be starting his blog, the Troublemaker, back up, are being fueled by confirmed sightings of Public Information Requests awaiting Mr Holder's pick-up in Greensboro City offices just yesterday.

City Council members contacted today were unable to confirm.

Could it be Mr Holder is preparing to spill the beans on the entire Heritage House affair and finally tell us the roll of Mayor Nancy Barakat Vaughan and Councilman Mike Barber, thereby redeeming himself and proving he was working under cover all along to expose corruption at the highest levels of Greensboro government?

There's still time for hope, right Ben?

Update: We have since confirmed it was but rumor. Ben Holder remains a mercenary code enforcement officer for the City of Greensboro.