Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Ez Changes Still In The Works

Besides the new domain name, a few astetic changes, the addition of Google followers and some in the background changes I decided to again make the blog stats public so folks will know how many people are reading. You'll find it in the top left column under the heading, "Ez Readers." Yes, the number is correct. Someone please help Mayor Vaughan up off the floor and tell Councilman Barber to put his tongue back in his mouth. I had intended to put it back up at 300,000 but readership shot up so quickly I missed the mark.

The application is powered by Blogger/Blogspot, aka Google, the same company that powers the website and as anyone with experience with Blogger/Blogspot can tell you, other than naming and making it visible I have no access to its controls. Well, I do have a couple of different options as to its appearance but there is no way I can manipulate the numbers.

We hope to start adding more Letters to the Editor and guest posts soon.Simply e-mail RecycleBill with the words "Letter To The Editor" or "Guest Post" in your header and we'll consider them. It really doesn't matter where you live as long as your letter is relevant to Greensboro and Guilford County politics and written in a non partisan manner. We don't do the usual conservative vs liberal bashing here as I've found it to be completely counterproductive. Yes, I have slipped on occasion and for that you have my apology.

I also hope to add some more writers-- more on that later.

We still have more online and off line improvements in the works, some you'll see, some you'll only hear about and others you'll never even know exist. In doing these things we'll become a louder and more powerful voice in Greensboro politics and one that will someday become impossible to ignore.