Thursday, November 6, 2014

UNCG's Linda Brady At University Of Oregon

Quotes taken from the UO Matters website concerning Linda Brady's time as provost at the University of Oregon.

former UN Provost Linda Brady:

"Brady was hired by Frohnmayer to run things after John Moseley took his Bend golden parachute. She spent a remarkably ineffective two years at UO – except for helping Frances Dyke spend millions remodeling Johnson Hall. Frohnmayer didn’t trust her, so Melinda Grier ended up running UO. Brady left as soon as she could, to everyone’s relief – I’m guessing not least hers."
Tomlin Course, Bean's accomplishments, provost Search:

 "And in the article Nathan Tublitz announces a follow up to his wonderfully successful Senate motion on a performance review of Bean: a motion for an open, faculty led search. The last open search got us Linda Brady. 2/25/13."

Bean is back from sabbatical:

 "7/1/2012: It’s no surprise that his website is wrong. Frohnmayer appointed him as *Interim* Provost in 2008, after Linda Brady left in a hurry."

New Budget Model revisited:

 "Second, the model will, for the first time, impose a hard budget constraint on the administration. In the past, when Frances Dyke and Linda Brady wanted to spend a few million remodeling Johnson Hall, or Frohnmayer wanted to give Moseley a fat retirement deal, or Moseley needed to spend a million on a new Diversity office quick to cover up a lawsuit, or Jim Bean wanted to give his friends a raise on the sly, they simply did it. Then they figured out later who to take the money from. Under the new model, the administration will get a cut of the gross, and they will have to live within it. How radical – education comes before administration."

UO F&A rate to increase to 45%

"... What’s the big deal? Low rates mean less money for UO to support research. UO can’t negotiate a higher rate with the feds because UO does not spend enough money supporting research. Why don’t we? Because Dave Frohnmayer, Lorraine Davis, John Moseley, Linda Brady and Frances Dyke pissed the money away on their pet projects. Police? Renovating Johnson Hall? Diversity plans? Arena? Alumni palace? That started a vicious negative cycle...."

I previously made the point in my own post, The Truth About Linda Brady's Wreck Center that Linda Brady is in fact a real estate developer and not an educator. I believe her years at UNCG and the University of Oregon have proven my point. For the good of your children and the economic viability of our entire community it's time Greensboro, North Carolina and UNCG brought an end to this long failed economic development model that has left Greensboro the second hungriest city in America with rising homelessness and the highest unemployment in North Carolina. No matter if you consider yourself liberal or conservative you can see it simply hasn't worked.

It's time Greensboro's universities became places that attract students who will remain in Greensboro after they leave. In order to do that our City's economic development model must be built on something other than building new buildings to house a transient student population. These young people must be given reason to stay here. In the meantime, those who are already here must also work and be feed. Officals from other cities have e-mailed to say they are already looking at the economic development program I wrote with Greensboro in mind. Will they succeed where Greensboro failed to go? Can Greensboro live with the consequences?

More from Oregon: