Monday, July 13, 2015

Mayor Vaughan Lied... Again

Today Triad City Beat's Eric Ginsburg confirms what I've been saying, Nancy Barakat Vaughan has been playing the numbers, lying to liberals and minorities in an effort to gain support, playing the race card even, in an effort to stay in power telling any lie she has to tell. Eric writes Same As It Never Was.

" It’s hard to say whether it is ironic or intentional cooptation. But some of the language used by state Sen. Trudy Wade to justify city council redistricting originated decades before the staunch conservative came to power — it initially arose thanks to some of the city’s black leadership."

I invite you to click on the link and read it all.

Now Mayor Vaughan is pushing forward to spend $Millions upon $Millions in City taxpayer dollars to go to court to fight the equal representation of Greensboro minorities when here at home we live in the #1 hungriest metropolitan statical area in the United States of America.

See where Nancy's priorities lie?