Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Are You Headed Out To Vote Today?

Perhaps you'd like to know that Greensboro Mayor Nancy Barakat "Grasshopper" Vaughan has 3 convictions in criminal court before you cast your vote?

Wow, she's almost the criminal her hubby Donald Vaughan is!

Sorry, I rely on other people to send me this information or I would have gotten it sooner. Of course, Eric Ginsburg and Brian Clarey of Triad City Beat could have gotten it to you months ago if they had wanted to. Why don't you e-mail Brian at brian@triad-city-beat.com so that he can forward them to Eric Ginsburg and get that lame ass, shit for brains reporter to do some real journalism for a change. Or call their office at 336-256-9320.

Not to mention the rest of their poorly researched garbage.