Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Zack Matheny Wrecks His Wagon With Nancy Vaughan Along For The Ride

Perhaps you remember when a group of economic development folks from Greensboro who went to Columbus Ohio under the leadership of the Chamber of Commerce. Downtown Greensboro Incorporated President, Zack Matheny was among them.

On one particular night of the trip, several of the Greensboro contingent were at a bar. There was a group of black men from Greensboro at the bar.

Zack was visibly intoxicated and came back the to bar, close to the group of black Greensboro businessmen who paid $1500 apiece to be allowed to go along.

He tried to make a joke with the bartender, one of those where you say something absurd about someone in order that they can hear you and then pretend you didn't know they were there. He said to the bartender "Watch out for these guys because they are all racists."

The joke was not well received.

Imagine paying $1500 to be insulted by an out of control, racist, cocaine addicted drunk.

Sources are telling me this is the reason for Ed McIver's comments at the Greensboro City Council meeting

"He was just drunk the other day in Columbus" -- Ed McIver on Zack Matheny, from the video above.

The black men at the bar didn't complain for fear of losing City of Greensboro contracts but the grapevine never sleeps and every wrong comes back to haunt you.

Seems Zack not only fell off the wagon but wrecked it as well.

This one's for you, Zack.