Sunday, September 9, 2018


"Julian Shakespeare Carr (October 12, 1845 – April 29, 1924) was a North Carolina industrialist and philanthropist.  Carr was the son of Chapel Hill merchant and slave owner John Wesley Carr...

...At the dedication of the Silent Sam monument to Confederate alumni on the UNC-Chapel Hill campus, to which he was the largest single donor, Carr addressed the crowd, urging vigorous support for white supremacy, and bragged of having personally horse-whipped an African-American woman "until her skirts hung in shreds" because, according to him, she "publicly insulted and maligned a Southern lady". He found this act a "pleasing duty." front of a garrison of 100 Federal soldiers after she sought protection at the university....

...Julian Carr played an essential role in bolstering white supremacy in North Carolina during the era of Jim Crow. He publicly endorsed the Ku Klux Klan, argued that African Americans should not be allowed to vote, and helped promote racial unrest and turmoil in the late 19th century to defeat an interracial "Fusion" political party. Carr helped promote racial strife through his influence in the media, particularly the Raleigh News & Observer, and celebrated the Wilmington Massacre of 1898, where at least 60 black North Carolinians were murdered. In numerous speeches, he suggested that African Americans were better off enslaved and celebrated violence, even lynching, against black citizens.

His studies at the University of North Carolina (today the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), were interrupted by service as a private in the Confederacy, serving with the Third North Carolina Cavalry. Later in life, he was known as "General Carr," the rank having been bestowed by the state veterans' association due to his long service in veterans' affairs and generosity toward widows and their children... 

In 1923, UNC bestowed an honorary degree upon Julian Carr.

Carr was also instrumental in the founding of Duke University (where the history building on East Campus is named after him).

...A long-time advocate for the welfare of Confederate veterans, the "high-private," as he liked to refer to himself, was Commander-in-Chief of North Carolina's United Confederate Veterans. At the 1913 dedication of the Civil War Monument (known as Silent Sam) on the campus of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Carr gave a speech wherein he credited the Confederate soldiers of having "saved the very life of the Anglo Saxon race in the South," and as a consequence, "the purest strain of the Anglo Saxon is to be found in the 13 Southern States"...

...Carr was instrumental in the Western education of Charles Soong and the financing of Soong's Shanghai Bible-publishing business, who later was active in Sun Yat-Sen's attempts to establish a modern republic in China. Though it is largely forgotten today, Carr was a major financial backer of the Chinese Revolution.

...Julian Carr’s broader body of work indicates a long career of vile and violent white supremacism.... In the broader view, Carr’s life was filled with abhorrent activities and rhetoric that are not only deplorable today, but were illegal and belligerent in his own time. Carr committed treason against the United States of America, advocated the murder and disfranchisement of African Americans, and helped lead a racially divisive and violent political campaign that shattered democracy in North Carolina for over 60 years.

...He was an enemy of enlightenment and democracy whose rhetoric and actions, both then and now, cast dark shadows over the civil and political life of the state and retard our ability to move forward from the legacies of slavery and Jim Crow."

...The Durham Board of Education voted to remove Julian Carr's name from a building at the Durham School of the Arts and to adopt a new dress code specifically prohibiting items that "intimidate other students on the basis of race." Mentioned were the Confederate flag, the Nazi swastika, and the Ku Klux Klan.

“Unveiling of Confederate Monument at University. June 2, 1913”

...This noble gift of the United Daughters of the Confederacy touches deeply and tenderly the heart of every man who has the privilege of claiming the University of North Carolina as his Alma Mater. the gods transformed Niobe into a marble statue, and set this upon a high mountain, as our native goddesses erect this monument of bronze to honor the valor of all those whom fought and died for the Sacred Cause, as well as for the living sons of this grand old University.

...The present generation, I am persuaded, scarcely takes note of what the Confederate soldier meant to the welfare of the Anglo Saxon race during the four years immediately succeeding the war, when the facts are, that their courage and steadfastness saved the very life of the Anglo Saxon race in the South – When “the bottom rail was on top” all over the Southern states, and to-day, as a consequence the purest strain of the Anglo Saxon is to be found in the 13 Southern States – Praise God...

...though I might speak with the tongue of men and of angels, neither song nor story could fittingly honor this glorious event. The whole Southland is sanctified by the precious blood of the student Confederate soldier. Their sublime courage has thrown upon the sky of Dixie a picture so bright and beautiful that neither defeat, nor disaster, nor oppression, nor smoke, nor fire, nor devastation, nor desolation, dire and calamitous, and I might with truth add, the world, the flesh nor the Devil has been able to mar or blemish it. The tragedy of history fails to record anywhere upon its sublime pages anything comparable to it. All the time will be the millennium of their glory.

The canopy of the South is studded with stars which shall grow brighter and brighter as the ages in their endless procession succeed each other.

No nobler young men ever lived; no braver soldiers ever answered the bugle call nor marched under a battle flag.  They fought, not for conquest, not for coercion, but from a high and holy sense of duty.

They were like the Knights of the Holy Grail, they served for the reward of serving, they suffered for the reward of suffering, they endured for the reward of enduring, they fought for the reward of duty done. They served, they suffered, they endured, they fought, [and died – crossed out] for their childhood homes, their firesides, the honor of their ancestors, their loved ones, their own native land.

...How often the tender, the brave, and the true,
Stood feet on the fields of their merited glory,
A thin line of gray ‘gainst the legions of blue.

O! what if half fell in the battle informal?
Aye, what if they lost at the end of the fray?
Love gives them a wreath that is fadeless, eternal,
And glory investeth the line of gray.

...And how she lived for him, that patient widowed mother of the South; what a man she made of him; how she has kept true in his breast the best traditions of his race...

...Of the students and alumni of the University of North Carolina, about 1800 entered the Confederate army, of whom 842 belonged to the generation of 1850-1862. The University had in the service 1 lieutenant-general, 4 major-generals, 13 brigadier-[page break 8] generals, 71 colonels, 30 lieutenant-colonels, 65 majors, 46 adjutants, 71 surgeons, 254 captains, 161 lieutenants, 38 non-commissioned officers and about 1000 privates.

I regard it as eminently appropriate to refer briefly at his point to the magnificent showing made by our state in the military service of the Confederacy. North Carolina furnished 84 regiments, 16 battalions and 13 unattached companies, besides the companies and individuals serving in commands from other states, and 9 regiments of Home Guards. Losses on the battlefield and by disease indicate that her contribution to the Confederate army was somewhat more than 1 to 5, while here military population stood in the proportion of 1 to 9. The entire Confederate loss on the battlefield was 74,524, of which North Carolina’s share was 19,673, or more than one-fourth; 59, 297 died of disease, and of these, 20,602 were North Carolinians.

...I have participated at the unveiling of several Confederate monuments, and have intimate knowledge of a great many more...

The duty due to our dear Southland, and the conspicuous service rendered, did not end at Appomatox[sic]. The four years immediately following the four years of bloody carnage, brought their responsibilities hardly of less consequence than those for which the South laid upon the altar of her country 74,524 of her brave and loyal sons dead from disease, a grand total of 133,821.

...I trust I may be pardoned for one allusion, howbeit it is rather personal. One hundred yards from where we stand, less than ninety days perhaps after my return from Appomattox, I horse-whipped a negro wench until her skirts hung in shreds, because upon the streets of this quiet village she had publicly insulted and maligned a Southern lady, and then rushed for protection to these University buildings where was stationed a garrison of 100 Federal soldiers.

...Permit me to refer at this point to a pleasing incident in which that distinguished son of the South, Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States, had the leading part. A year or two ago diplomas were given by our University to all the students who had interrupted their studies to enter the military service of the Confederacy. Mr. Wilson, then President of Princeton University delivered these diplomas. One man only of the Class [handwritten – that Matriculated in 1862] wearing the Confederate uniform, came forward to receive that highly prized token. It was the humble individual who now addresses you. At the dinner, later in the day, Professor Wilson greeted me with the remark that in many years nothing had so much touched and warmed his heart as the sight of that Confederate uniform.

...That for which they battled in memory of this monument is reared, as well as for the survivors of that bloody drama, was not achieved. But the cause for which they fought is not lost, never can be, never will be lost while it is enshrined in the hearts of the people of the South, especially the hearts of the dear, loyal, patriotic women, who, like so many Vestal Virgins (God’s name be praised), keep the fires lighted upon the Altars. Nay, as long as men anywhere pay tribute to the self-sacrificing spirit of a peoples’ ideals.

...Daughters of the Confederacy,  I thank you in the name of the eighteen hundred brave, loyal, patriotic, home-loving young student soldiers who went out from this grand old University to battle for our Southern rights and Southern liberties, five hundred of whom never came back."
Greensboro City Councilman Mike Barber on Charlottesville riot, the KKK and when Jim Melvin was Mayor

"1969 Greensboro uprising"

FEDERAL CIVIL TRIAL; March 11, 1985 to June 7, 1985; "What happened after November 3, 1979?"

John Locke Foundation's Sam Hieb, and the N&R's Joe Killian and Susan Ladd; "Ask Mike Barber about the Klan-Nazi shootout"

Dear David 'Brantley' Craft; "Former North Carolina Gov. Charles 'Brantley' Aycock, in his own words"

Dear David Brantley Craft; "[C. Brantley] Aycock’s vile legacy", by the Editorial Board of the News & Record

"The Disproportionate Risks of Driving While Black" in Greensboro, North Carolina; "A version of this article appears in print on October 25, 2015, on page A1 of the New York edition with the headline: The Disproportionate Risk of Driving While Black."

A Hypothetical Adaptation; "Bloody Greensboro"

"Greensboro’s Carpetbagging, KKK-Combatting Judge, Part 1", by YJ Miller


"The Rise of the Unprotected"

"We are now in the fourth stage of the cycle of insurgency"

John Locke Foundation's Sam Hieb, and the N&R's Joe Killian and Susan Ladd; "Ask Mike Barber about the Klan-Nazi shootout"

12 3 2016; "KKK just came through Roxboro. Battle flags & shouting "WHITE POWER!"

"Federal court orders new NC legislative elections in 2017"

lawmakers had unconstitutionally relied on race when they drew 28 state House and Senate districts.

More lost jobs for North Carolina; "Deal to repeal NC bathroom law falls apart"

Dear businesses looking to relocate or expand in Greensboro, North Carolina

Art Pope and other funders of HB2 legislators cry uncle

"North Carolina is no longer classified as a democracy"

"...North Carolina’s overall electoral integrity score of 58/100 for the 2016 election places us alongside authoritarian states and pseudo-democracies like Cuba, Indonesia and Sierra Leone.

If it were a nation state, North Carolina would rank right in the middle of the global league table – a deeply flawed, partly free democracy that is only slightly ahead of the failed democracies that constitute much of the developing world.

"Companies scorned HB2, but donated to lawmakers who passed it"

A question about John Hardister's character by Eric Preston at Greater Greensboro Politics without complaining, negative or purely partisan information

By financially supporting John Faircloth after HB2 on March 23, 2016, Robbie Perkins put hatred and bigotry before economic growth

Post HB2 North Carolina state level campaign finance reports are flowing in

These folks, along with some down in Charlotte 
cost North Carolinians thousands of jobs
along with those who funded them after March 23, 2016;

Roy Carroll, John Hammer, Jon Hardister, John Faircloth, John Blust and Trudy Wade confirm they are bigots

The saddest part of this whole affair other than lost jobs is the News and Record and other 'mainstream paper's overtly purposeful inability to call out those business leaders supporting the economic decimation of our state. Roy Carroll and other funders of these elected officials are advocating bigotry, discrimination and fewer worker rights in North Carolina, and the news industry isn't pointing out who the real villains actually are behind the curtain.

Consumers who could be objecting with their wallets are being prevented from the opportunity to do so.  Marty Kotis just hosted a John Blust fundraiser at one of his restaurants.  He supports Phil Berger and the rest of our local delegation.  He serves on the UNC Board of Directors as an R.  Marty supports HB2 and is going to make more money from it by being able to fire pregnant women etc... and no one seems to want to point it out.

Proof Marty Kotis is all in on hate and bigotry in North Carolina

Back story on HB2, explaining how Pat McCrory fell on his own sword provided by Phil Berger and friends

Pat McCrory tried to use hate and corporate wishes to get reelected
to the detriment of North Carolina's work force protections

Phil Berger, Paul Stam, Chad Barefoot, Trudy Wade, John Faircloth, 
Jon Hardister, John Blust, Roy Carroll, Marty Kotis and friends 
were on board with the strategy of using hate and screwing poor, old etc... workers
to get themselves and Pat McCrory reelected
and Roy and Marty's employment costs to fall, thereby increasing their profits,
and Tony Wilkins is okay with it

"Governor Pat McCrory’s Executive Order 93 doesn’t fix or even put a band aid on HB 2." Meaning Pat McCrory lied to the public on March 25, 2016

This is what Blust, Faircloth, Berger, Hardister and Wade voted for;

On the possible motives to have voted for and/or signed HB2 into North Carolina law
Maybe McCrory is using it as a job creation initiative for slave like labor jobs.

Bring back some of the slave jobs from China to North Carolina's factory owners who fund him.

Duke Power/Energy probably wouldn't mind making more money from more profitable businesses
who don't have to pay more for labor than absolutely necessary.

North Carolina may become an abusive employer magnet if the issue is affirmed by the election.

I suppose congratulations will be in order.

Hb2 will be good for fields of work exploiting women.

Good for business owners who like relations with the help.

Easier to fire pregnant women who slow down productivity.

McCrory's healthcare industry donors would make more money
from more poor, uneducated low paid workers paying more out of pocket for healthcare
from parasitic doctors and insurance companies.

Bank of America is saying they oppose the legislation
without asking for their Pat McCrory PAC and other donations back,
meaning they are actually for it, while keeping up appearances.

Maybe they get an automobile manufacturer now that they dissolved North Carolina's employment law risks.

Big money won't have to pay maternity care leave and save on insurance costs
by firing pregnant women without cause before birth.

Before birth.

It's the American way.

Marty Kotis appears to be saying he doesn't want any gays anywhere near his properties
or eating at his restaurants because they are gay or trans
by not asking for his money back from those in North Carolina's legislature
who have lost thousands of jobs for our state

I wonder is all the City Council members in Greensboro 
are going to give Marty the money he purchased them with back
because he favors discriminatory legislation

Both sides are at fault on the HB2 mess that just cost North Carolina a couple thousand more jobs

Roy Carroll's John Hammer on HB2; "NC Restrooms: Same As They Ever Were"

"Rep. Dan Bishop Applauds Overwhelming Passage of the “Public Facilities Privacy and Security Act,” [HB2] Urges Governor McCrory to Sign the Measure" and some of his 2016 campaign contributors, who, by not asking for their money back, are supporters of bigotry and employment discrimination in North Carolina

Roy Carroll, John Hammer, Jon Hardister, John Faircloth, John Blust and Trudy Wade confirm they are bigots

"Inside HB2 author's legislative emails on LGBT issues"; Rep. Dan Bishop and some of his contributors