Sunday, January 29, 2012

Woah! Not So Fast!

Allen Johnson of the Greensboro News & Record has some concerns that the City of Greensboro is moving too fast in their effort to build a Greensboro Performing Arts Center. I think he's right.

For starters: the Greensboro City Council isn't even considering an East Greensboro location. Never mind that the City already owns the property or that there's lots of available property already for sale in the immediate area around surrounding the abandoned, Bessemer Shopping Center. Never mind that boarded and empty houses are all over the neighborhood. Never mind that land in East Greensboro can be bought for 1/10 the cost of downtown properties. Never mind that for most people, the East Greensboro location is more convenient and easier for heavy trucks and buses to access. Never mind anything that makes sense, Mayor Perkins has spoken and $72 Million Dollars is about to be spent like it or not.

Link via Ed Cone who also agrees it's time to apply the brakes.

Matt Brown got the Greensboro Aquatic Center, it's time the rest of the City got its share.

Continue to article #6 But The Rich Elite Won't Come To East Greensboro