Thursday, April 5, 2012

Greensboro Performing Arts Center Task Force Community Survey

The folks at GPAC2012, City Council and the Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro are asking residents to take a survey asking how do you feel about a downtown performing arts center

I copied the questions as presented to me but depending on your answers you might get different questions. Sorry about the formatting. The questions are:

"1. Arts and cultural activities may include attending live performances of music, dance or theater, visiting museums and galleries, or creating art yourself such as painting or singing in a chorus. Would you say that you are ______ in arts and cultural activities?
Extremely interested
Very interested
Somewhat interested
Not very interested
Not at all interested
Don't know

2. In a typical year, how many arts and cultural activities do you attend?
Number of actvities _____________

3. To the best of your knowledge, have you attended a professional arts and cultural activity (professional does not include school, religious organization, and community theatre, dance, and music performances) anywhere within the past year?
Don't know

4. Which of the following factors are most important to contributing to your interest in arts and cultural activities?
Completely Unimportant Not Important Somewhat Important Important Very Important Don't Know
Social engagement opportunities/networking
Desire to learn about or celebrate my cultural heritage Support organizations and/or events that are important to my community Interest in learning about another time and/or culture Support a friend or family member’s interest
Family tradition
Desire to experience the high quality of a performance/exhibit Escape everyday stresses
Interest in a specific artist, genre or work of art Desire to be an “in the know” person about the latest tastes and trends

Was there another factor other than those listed above that was important in contributing to your interest in arts and cultural activities? If so, please tell us what that factor was. Please leave blank if there was not.___________________

5. You indicated previously that you had not attended an arts and cultural activity within the past year. Please tell us whether any of the following factors have affected your ability to not attend an arts and cultural activity within the past year? Please check all that apply.
The time at which an activity was offered
Don’t like getting all dressed up and feel like you have to
Physical accessibility issues
Absence of information
Timeline to make decision was too short
Other people/audience members’ behavior
Lack of other amenities (restaurants, shops, etc.) nearby
Disinterest in the activity being offered
Not comfortable with attending arts and cultural activities
Having time to attend an arts and cultural activity
Preferring to spend your leisure time in other ways
Unable to find anyone to go with
Unavailability of childcare
The overall cost of attending an arts and cultural activity
Not enjoying your previous experiences at an arts and cultural activity
The hassle of getting there (e.g. traffic, inconvenient area, difficulty parking, etc.)
Safety Concerns
Unwelcoming for children
Other (please specify

6. Please indicate how likely the following factors would entice you to attend an arts and cultural activity?
Very Unlikely Unlikely Neither Unlikely nor Likely Likely Very Likely Don't Know
Restaurant deal and packages with tickets
Better location for the venue
More affordable ticket pricing
Having someone to go with
More information available on what’s playing
Better customer service
Offered at more convenient times
Having someone I know performing
Less overall cost (ticket price, parking, restaurant, etc.) More convenient public transportation options Added value to ticket price (pre/post – performance lectures, etc.) Guaranteed desirable seating for performances Shows I am interested in
Better quality programming
More diverse programming
More convenient parking

Is there anything else that would entice you? If so, please tell us, otherwise please leave blank.

7. Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements.
Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Don't Know
I don’t know where to find information regarding arts and cultural activities in Greensboro.
The prices for arts and culture in Greensboro are very affordable. The arts and cultural offerings in Greensboro do not appeal to my personal tastes. I can see any kind of arts and cultural event that I want in Greensboro. Having a venue nearby other amenities (restaurants, shops, etc.) is important to me. The options for arts and cultural activities in Greensboro are diverse. Greensboro offers high-quality arts and cultural programming. There is always something going on in Greensboro that it makes it hard to choose what to do.
Getting to and from an arts and cultural venue in Greensboro is convenient for me. Attending arts and cultural activities in Greensboro is a social experience for me. Finding time to attend arts and cultural activities in Greensboro is hard for me. I wish there were more choices for arts and culture programming in Greensboro."

When I read this next line I thought we might be getting down to the real nitty gritty.

"The Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro and the City of Greensboro are conducting a feasibility study in regard to a new performance venue in downtown Greensboro. The following questions are related to the potential programming and operations of the proposed venue. Please click "NEXT" to proceed."

Turns out I was wrong.

"8. What kind(s) of arts and cultural programming/activities would you expect from a new performing arts center in downtown Greensboro? Please check all that apply.
Jazz concerts
Non-musical stage plays
Musical theatre performances such as Broadway shows
Classical Dance (ballet, etc.)
Contemporary Dance
Classical Music
World Music
Popular Music
Family-oriented programming
I don't know
Other (please specify)

9. In addition to paying for a ticket, how much money would you expect to pay on the following items in conjunction with your attendance at the program/activity? Please fill in the answers in the table below.
Amount Not Applicable Don't Know
On food and drink:
On long-distance travel (airfare, train fare):
On local travel (parking, taxi, gas, etc.):
On lodging:
On shopping (before or after the event):
On merchandise at the theatre:
On child care (babysitter):

10. If a downtown performing arts center was built, would you …?
Participate in arts and cultural activities less than you do currently
Participate in arts and cultural activities about the same as you do currently
Participate in arts and cultural activities more than you do currently

11. What is your gender?
Prefer not to say

How many people in your household are under age 18?
Number of children

12. What is the last level of school you completed?
High School but did not complete it
High School or GED
Some College studies
College Degree
Some Graduate or Professional Degree studies
Graduate or Professional Degree
Prefer not to say

13. Are you...?
Asian/Pacific Islander
Prefer not to say
Other (please specify)

14. What is your approximate household income?
Under $25,000
Between $25,000 and $49,999
Between $50,000 and $74,999
Between $75,000 and $99,999
Between $100,000 and $124,999
Between $125,000 and $149,999
$150,000 or more
Prefer not to say

15. Year of Birth

What is the ZIP code of your primary residence?
ZIP Code"

And finally, without asking any pertinent questions like where should we build a Greensboro Performing arts center or should we build a PAC at all they close with:

"Thank you for your time and input.

Greensboro Performing Arts Center Task Force"

In other words, the powers that be really don't care what you think.

Continue to article #95 Who's Playing The Greensboro Performing Arts Center?