Sunday, October 7, 2012

Greensboro Lobbies Illegally On Behalf Of TREBIC

So TREBIC cannot legally lobby the State Legislature so TREBIC illegally lobbies the City of Greensboro to lobby the State on behalf of TREBIC and the City follows through.

From: McDowell, Kenney
To: Speedling, Michael; Turner Roth, Denise; Scott, Andrew; Vigue, Mary; Neerman, Sandy
Cc: Drew, Steve; Phlegar, David; Spillman, Virginia; Richardson, Betsey
Subject: Council Agenda Item 18 - Jordan Lake Stormwater Management
Date: Monday, June 18, 2012 1:09:13 PM
Steve and I will both be at Council tomorrow night. I plan to handle item 18 which is Stormwater
Management for New Development (Jordan Lake). We are aware of some concerns, specifically with
the implementation timeline (the Mayor called on this one), and have worked internally to address that
issue. Betsey has a new attachment A with language that reflects an effective date of August 1, 2012
and allows for plans submitted by that date to be in compliance if they receive final approval by the end
of the year. This is opposed to the original language which required final approval by August 1.
There are potentially many other issues and concerns with this one and given my history and familiarity
with the topic, Steve and I decided I was the best point person for this. I’m also going to call TREBIC
right now and make sure no real issues on their end.
The planning board decision to not recommend
approval is the wild card here and what conversations that has generated. I can’t speak to those issues
other than it would not surprise me to maybe get some complex question tomorrow night.
Thanks and let me know if other concerns.
Kenney McDowell, PE, Deputy Director
Water Resources Department
City of Greensboro
Phone: 336-373-4578; Fax: 336-373-3119
PO Box 3136, Greensboro, NC 27402-3136