Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Jeff Martin Takes The Bait

And Proves My Point!

Roch Smith Jr e-mailed me shortly after I posted Ed Cone's Big Flaw And Jeff Martin to warn me that I get more accomplished when I attack problems instead of people. And Roch is right!

But sometimes people are the problem. Such is the case with Jeff Martin and Ed Cone.

Both like to "debunk" what I write by taking on one point of what I've written and calling everything I've written, Lies. Note the plural. Note the feeble attempt made by Jeff Martin when he wrote, Billy Jones’ Lies. Not only did Jeff fail to debunk the one point he took on but he avoided the other points altogether in the typical Cone-Martin, defense of the status quo style. As for why Ed Cone didn't take the bait... I can only assume either he didn't see it or he's still drinking wine.

I've tolerated this behavior from these two "men" and others for many years now. Ed does it because the Cone family is an established part of Greensboro's status quo. I can only assume Jeff Martin does it because his wife's plus sized women's store located in State Street Shops caters to the plus sized women of Irving Park-- Greensboro's most status quo neighborhood.

Being I'm banned from both I can't comment on either blog. Neither "man" wants open and honest debate. Ed Cone allows commenters I don't know but who work for his family to openly accuse me of cyberstalking. Both blogs are well known in Greensboro's political circles and have been for several years. There is nothing they would like better than to remain the voices of the Greensboro blogosphere. But when either of them accuse me of lying or claim to have debunked my claims, remember this: to date, as of this day, November 21, 2012, neither Ed Cone nor Jeff Martin has ever taken on an entire blog post that I have written and debunked every point in it. Not once.

Why? Because any attempt to do so would prove me right and cowards cannot face the possibility that I might be right.

You see, sometimes, people are the problem and when people are the problem I attack the problem just as I always do.

PS. Jeff Martin, aka, Fec, is currently spending his time threatening B Mark Walker and Sal Leone who have both done nothing to anyone. Mr Walker is the pastor of one of Greensboro's largest churches and Mr Leone is a police officer in fine standing. Like I said, I attack the problem.