Monday, November 12, 2012

Looking Towards The Future-- Who's Next?

It's looking very much like my first effort at Tyrannicide is going to be a huge success and Mayor Robbie Perkins will soon be mayor no more. Of course, he isn't gone yet so who's to say?

But with that possibility in mind I must look to the future and decide what to do with my new found super powers. Should I go after every dirty politician in the city, county and state someday? Should I take them all down? Or should I use the never ending threat of annihilation as a means to make them do what we all know they were elected to do.

As much as I'd like to go with the latter, I fear a few more might have to learn the hard way before the rest will get in line. Who's next? Your tips and suggestions are always welcome.

Thanks -Billy, your friendly freelance neighborhood Tyrannicide