Friday, February 15, 2013

In Case My House Were To Be Fire Bombed

Or some other very strange thing happens to me.

"But if you want to try to abuse one of my reporters with more insane accusations and batshit rantings, you're gonna have to deal with me first." --Brian Clarey

I saved the e-mail, I'm sure GPD can find it.

Good journalism does not put people's lives at risk. Eric Ginsburg's anarchist buddies and/or others have conveyed death threats to Greensboro City Councilwoman Marikay Abuzuaiter because of what was written about her in Yes! Weekly by Eric Ginsburg and now Eric and Brian haven't the balls to hold themselves accountable. Instead, Brian Clarey attempts to scare me.

I will be more than happy to forward the e-mails to anyone who asks.