Saturday, March 9, 2013

Eric Robert On Ed Wolverton

Like I've said before, Ed Wolverton will take the fall for his bosses, of which Mayor Robbie Perkins is one. My friend, Eric Robert from the comments at Jeff Martin's post, DGI Board:

"... Edwin Wolverton is not an evil guy. He certainly lacks social skills, charisma, elegance and competence, but he is not evil. He is conveniently doing his boards bidding, and therefore was doing his job. Milton could not be seen giving money to himself…that would not be proper. Oh wait…it just happened.
Betty could not be seen transferring money from one organization she used to chair, to another she used to chair and is still a board member of… wait, that just happened as well.

Either way, Ed will most likely be gone when his contract expires at the end of June because he is the fall guy. He is the patsy. He has been loyal to his board, lied on its behalf, deceived on its behalf, misreported numbers on its behalf and most likely committed fraud on its behalf. I know that fraud is a big word but the recently uncovered BUDD group contract illustrates the fraudulent behavior I am talking about.

DGI signed a three year contract with The BUDD group for “Clean and Green services”…the annual amount is $304,750. This is a service contract, and, as such, all of the agreed upon services are provided by a third party (BUDD) . DGI reported to the city that the line item costs it $334,000 in FY2011/2012 and $338,00 in 2012/2013 (this time the number was split across two categories “Clean and Green” and “public services”) No one on council was aware of this, no one on city staff was aware of this.

We also found out about the undisclosed management fees taken out of the center city park pass through funds .No one on council was aware of this, no one on city staff was aware of this. Only Action Greensboro knew. DGI clearly disclosed all other legitimate approved management fees to council and staff during the budget process…they did not disclose a few others as they thought that the contracts were not subjected to the public record laws and therefore would remain secret. I have all documents supporting what i am saying in case anyone is interested.

So…to paraphrase Elizabeth Warren:
How much unethical/fraudulent behavior is acceptable before penalties and sanctions can be applied?
How many thousands of dollars do you have to steal from the constituency you are supposed to represent before the organization is shut down and participating individuals banned from serving in other city ‘s board or commissions?
How many lies and deceptions does it take?
Where is the line?” I hope council weighs in at some point ."

Let it be known that when future employers google Ed Wolverton's name that they will find among my many criticisms of him, the truth that the Board of Directors of Downtown Greensboro Incorporated and the Mayor of Greensboro, a Mr Robert V Perkins III, along with numerous rich and powerful local developers forced Edwin Wolverton to commit crimes against the citizens of Greensboro, North Carolina at the risk of loosing his job or more. Believe me when I tell you, Greensboro's elite always have ways of making people disappear and ruining their lives. Anyone who has seen Mr Wolverton in recent months will have little doubt his crooked bosses have pushed him to the brink of mental, physical and emotional collapse. My recommendation for Mr Wolverton would be to seek out an excellent lawyer in the labor relations field. If you should also feel the need for a therapist I know the best private therapist in the entire city and will happily put you in touch. She will be more than happy to work with your lawyer. You have more than enough evidence to sue the life out of DGI and its executive board members.


"How much unethical/fraudulent behavior is acceptable before penalties and sanctions can be applied?
How many thousands of dollars do you have to steal from the constituency you are supposed to represent before the organization is shut down and participating individuals banned from serving in other city ‘s board or commissions?
How many lies and deceptions does it take?"