Sunday, March 17, 2013

Jeff Martin Makes My Point For Me

While Jeff Martin continues his misguided attempts at character assassination he also mistakenly makes the very point I have been making all along. The Greensboro Police Department did not frame Greensboro City Councilwoman Marikay Abuzuaiter. Jeff is correct when he writes:

"Occam says the proper LEO never saw the request at all."

Of course, while Jeff Martin has been hypothesizing about what took place I've actually been talking to  people involved. It was Yes Weekly Editor, Brian Clarey who told me the Greensboro Police Department was unaware of the not so public records release until Yes Weekly contacted GPD to request interviews from the police officers that supposedly wrote those e-mails.

But if Marikay Abuzuaiter was framed, and I believe she was, then she must have been framed by employees of the City of Greensboro Information Department-- you know, the same people who "mistakenly" released secret police records to Yes Weekly.

So think about it: why are Greensboro Police now in charge of all public information releases? Because the Greensboro Information Department is suspect in Chief Ken Miller's mind and he'll not have it any other way. That's why. Could Greensboro City Manager Denise Turner Roth force Chief Miller to give records control back to the Information Department? Sure, but if she does that he plays the trump card and puts some guilty party or parties behind bars and that person or persons take Denise Turner Roth down with them. This police chief only answers to the city manager on paper. I warned the chief this city ate honest cops, it appears he took me seriously.
So who would want to frame Marikay? How about a Mayor she has opposed since her first day on City Council? Remember when Marikay called him out at a City Council meeting for lying about the proposed downtown park that he claimed would only be given to the City if the performing arts center were built? Remember the trumped up charges of racism the Mayor used against Councilman Tony Wilkins to try and prevent him from being confirmed to Council. Remember that just last week the Mayor was threatened with contempt of court charges by a Guilford County judge for refusing to pay $17,000 in court ordered child support? Remember how the Mayor was forced from the board of directors of Newbridge Bank for borrowing and defaulting on $1.2 Million Dollars on a $750,000 home? Remember how Robbie Perkins tried to sell us on a publicly financed megasite when he knew a privately owned competing megasite was already being constructed next door? Remember how Robbie Perkins worked to get rid of Greensboro's minimum housing standards? Remember how Robbie tried to force a road through East Greensboro, through the A&T Farm that no one in East Greensboro wants or needs? Remembers Robbie's attempts at a Downtown land grab? Remember Robbie Perkins' attempted to force $60 Million Dollars in debt to build a performing arts center the vast majority of Greensboro residents are not in favor of?

City Councilwoman Marikay Abuzuaiter stood against Mayor Robbie Perkins on all those issues and more and she's not even finished her first 2 year term in office. The man is desperate to get rid of her and will stop at nothing including paying someone to make sure Eric Ginsburg got just the information he needed to destroy Marikay Abuzuaiter's reputation.

And now who is calling for an investigation? None other than Eric Ginsburg, the man who wrote the story based on the information given him by the City of Greensboro and has now found a hint that something isn't what it first appeared to be.