Thursday, April 4, 2013

To The News & Record: Does No One Monitor Your Website?

I sent the following e-mail to the following News & Record e-mail addresses on April 2nd and have yet to get a response nor have they dealt with the violator in any way that can be seen by the public., Amanda Lehmert ,, Jeff Gauger ,
 Joe Killian ,

"I have endured countless personal attacks by someone named Bill Burnett on the many pages and blogs of the Greensboro News & Record. Here is the latest:


There have been many others. A search for Mr Burnett's attacks on George Hartzman will no doubt produce the same. I thought the recent change in your website was supposed to prevent this type of thing. Of course, when my pointing it out to Editorial Page Editor, Allen Johnson is met in a blog thread with "What personal attack?" from Allen it becomes obvious the N&R only enforces rules when it is to the local establishment's advantage to do so.

Paint the opponents as "naysayers" "conspiracy theorists" "freaks" "malcontents" anything but citizens interested in open and honest government and when you can't do it yourself let your commenters do it for you."

It has become apparent the Greensboro News & Record cannot be counted on to be unbiased in their coverage of local issues or the enforcement of their own rules concerning commenting on their website:

"Welcome to story comments. Please observe these guidelines to ensure a fun and non-threatening space for spirited public dialogue:

    Comment under your real name.
    Keep it clean.
    Keep it civil.
    Avoid personal attacks.
    Report possible violations to"

In the past, before the N&R removed their archives from the web, News & Record editors called me out publicly, denouncing me as a liar and worse but when someone else takes a shot at me or anyone else who disagrees with Greensboro's status-quo the editors allow it to stand for all the world to see. That is, until they remove their archives from the web for a third time.

I can't help but wonder what the new owner of the N&R, a Mr Warren Edward Buffett, would think of a newspaper that has a long history of painting political opposition to government waste and corruption as "naysayers" "conspiracy theorists" "freaks" "malcontents" and anything but citizens interested in open and honest government at a time when the News & Record didn't even bother to report what went on at this week's Greensboro City Council meeting?

That's right, not a single word has been uttered about the decisions or lack thereof that were made at Tuesday night's Greensboro City Council meeting. Why? Because just as the News & Record depends on commenters like  Bill Burnett to paint us as as crazy, to do their dirty work, the N&R avoids printing the truth that would rattle an entire city and overthrow the entire political establishment that has long robbed from Greensboro's working class communities to enable Greensboro's elite.

Mr Burnett is only one of the attackers they allow to roam loose on their website. Who is he? I don't know but something tells me I soon will know and I'm betting he has close ties to Greensboro's status quo just as have all the other butchers myself and others have outed over the years. You see, the News & Record has been allowing this to go on since 2005 when they heralded their grand entrance into Greensboro's local blogosphere and cast a near death blow upon what was then a thriving open and honest independent media from which Greensboro has never recovered. Their intent all along.

No reply, no e-mail, no action so we send it to the Internet and see where it goes. Maybe the News & Record will see an increase in page views but I doubt the new readers click on the advertisements.

Correction: I did find some coverage of this weeks City Council Meeting but much has been left out.