Monday, March 10, 2014

An E-mail From A Reader

Edited to protect anonymity.

"I have been fascinated by your blog and applaud your efforts to expose criminal wrongdoing on the part of elected officials.  There is a subject I learned about several years ago that I believe needs investigating, but I'm not a financial person and don't really know how to go about it.  I also prefer anonymity (please do not use my name) because I'm just an ordinary  citizen... a lifelong resident.  I believe that you and others who investigate and blog about it would be interested once you get into the details.  It would potentially blow things wide open and find out that Greensboro actually has quite a lot of money, as does the County and the School Board and more.

 Are you familiar with the Consolidated Annual Financial Reports, or also called CAFR's?  Every government entity has them and it is my understanding they are "off the books" or the real hidden money that local municipalities and government entities have the public does not know about.  Although it is public information, it is not reported on.  According to the man who has been trying to expose this for a long time, our cities, counties and other governmental entities are not broke at all.  Rather, they have two sets of books.  One the "budget" and the other the actual financial condition.

This guy has been trying to break this open for a long time and I think you and George and other truth bloggers in Greensboro might be tenacious enough to follow this path to some truth about Greensboro's financial condition and that of other governmental entities. I have heard stories of other areas that have exposed this and 'found' money for things previously said were not affordable.  This explains what they are and how this guy discovered them:

 I am not a financial person and hope that you will share with George Hartzmann since he is a financial person.  If I can locate his e-mail, I will send it to him as well but ask that you share. This may be a great joint project for you two to investigate. 

 Greensboro's CAFR:

 I'd be interested in what you learn and will be following your blog."

And so we will. In fact we already know that the City of Greensboro has $272 Million Dollars in stocks and bonds in what is called the Rainy Day Fund.

Update: Greensboro's $272 Million was $273 Million last year.