Saturday, April 19, 2014

Blogging Isn't Dead

Living in the city that at one time lead the nation in per capita bloggers, and perhaps still does, and being part of that movement from its beginning has always been important to me. I launched the first Greensboro bloggers Meetup group some years back even though I'm not much of a go to meetings type of person.

And while some will say Facebook, Twitter and other forms of social media have replaced blogging that simply isn't true. For starters, none of those give you the tools to do in-depth coverage of a subject. Nor can you find posts in search engines like you can blogs-- something dirty politicians just love about Facebook and Twitter but hate about blogs.

While most people have switched to other forms of social media because of their ease of use, blogs remain the tool of preference for those wishing to do more in-depth work and wanting their work to be found by the largest possible audience. After all, there's nothing stopping you from using Twitter and Facebook to promote blog posts.

So for those of you who really have something worth saying and want it to remain where it can be found for the longest possible time, my friend, Marty Kotis recently interviewed myself and a group of Greensboro's most experienced blogging pioneers and put it all together in a piece entitled Blogging Advice from the Greensboro’s Blog Bosses.

Marty is indeed a very fast study.