Monday, April 14, 2014

Greensboro Fails To Make The Cut

As if long time locals didn't already know Greensboro has long been a failed city, Bloomberg Businessweek released America's Biggest Cities Lose People to the Urban B-List noting how America's largest cities are loosing population to mid size cities but while Raleigh came in second on the list with a 3.7% gain and Charlotte came in fifth with a 2.6% gain, Greensboro didn't even make the list. That's right, not even on the list.

Why you ask? From the City of Greensboro publication, GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT TRENDS  published in 2012 addressing growth from 2000 to 2010:

"Greensboro experienced the slowest growth rate for the decade of the largest ten municipalities in the state: 20.4 percent compared to 46.3 percent in Raleigh and 35.4 percent in Charlotte."

In other words, it's not as if city "leaders" and economic development "gurus" don't already know these things. They just seem to think they can fix it by continuing to do what got us here in the first place.

If you don't already know it, Google Albert Einstein's definition of insanity. 

And folks, if you think a performing arts center is going to change that: the Greensboro Coliseum is the largest in the nation. Think about it.