Friday, April 18, 2014

How Greensboro Could Lead The State... For Once

Are you, like me, sick and tired of hearing of all the ways Greensboro is falling behind the rest of North Carolina and the nation? Well here's a chance for the Greensboro City Council to take the lead and prove their transparency at the same time. That is: if they've got balls enough to become transparent.

Tommy Cafcas at writes of the State of Connecticut’s new open data website which leads the nation in adopting economic development transparency best practices. In his article he writes:

"Those looking for a model on how to disclose economic development deals should start their search in Connecticut. No joke: Connecticut is cutting edge when it comes to taxpayer transparency on economic development."

Then he goes on to explain how Connecticut’s new open data website provides clean data, relevant date, data tools, downloadable data, more data and potential taxpayer savings in the long run in the form of reduced requests for Freedom of Information Act data and an

"...enhanced ability for more citizens to know how their tax dollars are being spent will prevent waste, fraud, and abuse and enhance accountability."

I'm e-mailing this post to the entire Greensboro City Council via the Council e-mail form. I encourage you to take a look at the Connecticut Open Data Website and do the same.

That is: if you really give a damn about transparency in Greensboro government.

Hey, if Greensboro leaders were really smart they could set up the site in such a way as to allow any city or county in North Carolina to host their info there as well. That is: for a small fee, of course.

Think about it, folks, this could be the beginning of a new tech start-up right here in Greensboro that the entire State of North Carolina comes to rely upon. If only Greensboro's "leaders" and economic development "gurus" were smart enough to understand that with real transparency comes true prosperity.