Friday, December 12, 2014

UNCG Hires Crooked Consultant

Rest easy Greensboro City Councilwoman Nancy Hoffman and Mayor Nancy Vaughan, this post isn't about you. We're still compiling information on your latest dirty deeds.

In the meantime, the University of North Carolina has hired R. William Funk & Associates
to find a replacement for Chancellor Linda Brady.

That seems right up to par with the level of corruption that UNCG has become known for in recent years considering that R William Funk has a history of corruption in previous searches for top level administrators like at Florida State:

"In Tallahassee, Funk’s search quickly narrowed to include only John Thrasher, a state senator and former speaker of the House who is also chairman of Florida Governor Rick Scott’s reelection campaign.

Florida State faculty said that to settle on Thrasher, Funk either ignored the public advice of the university’s presidential search committee or made backroom deals that benefited Thrasher.

"Either way you slice it, Bill Funk is either the responsible party, or he’s a tool – take your pick,” said Michael Buchler, the associate professor of music theory who co-wrote the no confidence measure.

Faculty accuse Funk of several moves that helped Thrasher become the sole candidate until the university reopened its search this week amid mounting criticism.

Buchler said Funk disregarded a search committee directive that the job posting make clear Florida State was looking for “distinguished intellectual stature” and “strong academic credentials.”

As a matter of fact, it got so messy that Mr Funk himself had to bow out but he still collected $61,000 Dollars for not doing his job.

And this is the firm North Carolina taxpayers are paying to find a new Chancellor for UNCG. Methinks it would do well for the Faculty Senate to immediately issue a vote of no confidence in R William Funk & Associates. This Fascist privatization of our public universities must end now so that accountability can return.