Thursday, January 22, 2015

Hartzman's Rhino Watch; January 22, 2015

"Opposing the reduction of the City Council to seven members passed 6 to 3, with Wilkins, Matheny and Barber all voting no."
"DGI’s at-large seat will be filled by Brian Wise.  Wise is the general counsel and vice president of finance at The Carroll Companies, which owns this newspaper."

...At the meeting, outgoing [Carroll Companies] board member Al Leonard was asked for an update on [Carroll Companies] Bellemeade Village project – a [Carroll Companies] $50-million mixed-use project that will include upscale [Carroll Companies] apartments and a [Carroll Companies] hotel.

[Carroll Companies] Leonard said, “Everything’s good.”  He said the [Carroll Companies] project was moving along nicely and added that there are “a lot of [Carroll Companies] moving parts.”
"Last week I inadvertently fooled a bunch of Rhino readers and I apologize.  I thought the satirical piece I wrote about Liam and Bridget Callahan being arrested for taking photos in Bicentennial Garden was so outrageous that it would be obvious that it was a satire.  The fact that in the print edition it didn’t say, “Satire” or “A Greensboro Fairy Tale” is entirely my fault and I apologize to all the readers whom I fooled.

I also would like to point out that the Greensboro police did not throw an old man to the ground and arrest him for taking photos.  I apologize to the police for maligning them."

More after the jump;

"Rhino Times Jan. 15, page 2.  Funny article by John Hammer entitled, Greensboro’s trying to be the Pyongyang of North America, about issues in photography at Bicentennial Park.  But is the last half of the article satire?  The news is so crazy now it is very hard to tell where this individual elderly was slammed down, handcuffed, other police called, that whole thing.  Do respond to this as to whether or not it was satire, ‘cause once again normally – 10 years ago I wouldn’t have wondered.  But as I said, the news now is very crazy.  If the article was satire, I think you need to apologize to the Greensboro Police Department.  That’s not something I would say often.  Thank you."

"Editor’s Note: It was satire.  I have apologized to the police."
"There is all this speculation about why UNC-system President Tom Ross was asked to resign earlier than he had intended.  It seems obvious to me.  Ross is a lifelong Democrat; the state government is now run by Republicans.  As President Barack Hussein Obama said to Republicans in 2009, “Elections have consequences.”

...It’s like all of the speculation about why the Republican North Carolina legislature would be interested in changing the Greensboro City Council districts.  The reason is obvious.  The City Council has two Republicans out of nine members.  The state legislature, where a large majority of members are Republican, want to get more like-minded folks on the Greensboro City Council.  If reducing the number to seven will give Republicans a shot at controlling the City Council then it will sail through the House and Senate."

...I don’t think that person would last a week.  Republicans are far too nice.  Ross should have been tossed out first thing.

...If the Republicans down in Raleigh do what they should do, they will start cleaning house this term and get rid of a bunch of Democratic appointees and also eliminate the jobs of a lot of left-wing folks who were hired by left-wingers because they are left-wing."
I’m starting to like Susan Ladd’s column because it confirms what I think about left-wing journalists.

Ladd knows that she is absolutely right about everything, so there is no need to talk to people who disagree with her.  It is not a question of interpretation or belief, she is right and people who don’t agree with her simply don’t understand.

I loved the statistics she had about the number of fertilized eggs that do not make it to maturity as human beings.  Based on her logic, since 550 World War II vets are dying every day and there are only 1 million left out of 16 million, it should be OK to kill the rest.  Or perhaps it is more appropriate to talk about children.  In 2003, 10.6 million children under 5 years old died.  According to Ladd, if so many children are going to die anyway, it should be OK to kill a few more if it is inconvenient to have them around.
There is no need to furnish a plaque for the KKK rally, which has caused this city so much strife over these many years.  It is one of the darkest days in Greensboro history.  I presume Nelson Johnson and his bunch of cronies are behind it.

Nelson Johnson has made a career out of this tragedy.  He needs to stop instigating this for his own personal benefit and get a real job.
"Your president, again, is showing his pro-Muslim beliefs.  His anti-pipeline stance definitely gets him the vote of the environmentalists.  But also gives considerable support to the Muslim oil producing countries.  These countries are having considerable economic problems, negative; excuse me, negative economic problems due to the excess of oil in the market causing a large decrease in prices and profits.  The pipeline will put more oil into the market, further negatively affecting their economies.  Your president has a history of aiding the Muslim countries at our expense and others."
"I see on the news where some terrorists have been to Syria, come back, and they’ve caught them in Belgium.  They’re carrying them over there and training them to come back and blow up things.  If the United States lets anybody from Syria come back into this country that’s been over there, we deserve what we get."
"I’m wanting to say a word about the person that wrote into your paper about Barack Obama...  Because they just said there are four to six million people living in poverty in this country.  He undoubtedly did not know that when he gave amnesty to these four million illegals.  What his theory is, they’re going to come over here, and it’s going to help the economy.  That’s what Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and all of them are saying.  How can that be when they come across the border and the only thing they got is what they’re wearing on their back and their dirty worn out shoes?  Where’s their money at?  If they’ve got money to invest in the economy, where’s it at?  I don’t see it.  I see them walking up and down around here.  They don’t have nothing.  We’re keeping them up and people that raise – born and raised here, their grandfathers were raised here."
"The legislative actions of the North Carolina General Assembly can only be attributed to the perverse, twisted and warped view of reality that the Republican members of that body possess.  It’s becoming increasingly clear that a disease called Republicanism is rapidly approaching Ebola in terms of its threat to this state and United States.  The cure for this deadly disease is simple.  Require all Republicans to take remedial classes in US and world history, economics, political science and, most importantly, American ethics, morals and values.  Not taking these courses will allow the disease of Republicanism to cripple the chances of the United States to move forward in an enlightened, intelligent, and progressive way.  If you are a true patriot of the United States, that is your duty and obligation to require all Republicans to take these classes and put them into their destruction of democracy and their cannibalism of capitalism."
"I cannot understand, Beep, to save my life, why so many people will continue to vote for Democrat people to get up there in the White House.  There are these people that are voting for them.  Most of them are settling – just settling for breadcrumbs off the table instead of getting a full plate of food.  They’re settling just for what’s left.  It’s always been like that with the African-American people here in this country.  Just keep us in, and we’ll see that you’ll get something.  They don’t say what.  They just say, we’ll see that you get something.  So, if that satisfies them with the breadcrumbs instead of getting a full plate of food, let them just continue on voting for them.  The Democrats are not going to do nothing for black people.  They’re all for their self.  And more of them are rich than there are Republicans.  I’ll tell you that right now.  Don’t believe it?  Ask Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.  And Obama is in the same condition.  He’s rich, too.  And what has he done?  Nothing."