Monday, January 5, 2015

Jason's First DGI Resume

When I first posted that DGI's Jason Cannon had lied on his resume I spooked Downtown Greensboro Incorporated to the point that they scrubbed their website of any references to the fact that Jason had claimed to have a masters degree from NC State before he was hired.

They thought the cover-up worked.

But they didn't know I could get inside their offices (figuratively speaking) and get a copy of Jason Cannon's original resume as submitted to DGI.

What's more, they didn't know that I knew Robbie Perkins pushed DGI to hire Jason Cannon saying everyone has skeletons in their closet and that Nancy Barakat Vaughan went along with the deal knowing all along that Jason had lied on his resume.

Skeletons in my closet? I hang my skeletons from a tree in my front yard for everyone to see.