Saturday, February 28, 2015

Compare Sam Simpson and Zack Matheny's current exploits to; 12/31/13; "Robbie Perkin's 9,000 acres, Project Haystack, "Incentives" and the Rhino Times"

"Remember when then Greensboro mayor Robbie Perkins negotiated a $19 million deal with the county to bring water and sewer lines to eastern Guilford County and open up 9,000 acres to development?

Is that the trust fund Zack, Nancy and Sam are going to use
to fund Sam's Randolph County real estate deal, 
right above D.H. Griffin's?

Isn't Guilford County's prison farm in eastern Guilford County?

How much did the city spend 
to get the sewer line installed under I-40 
for Roy Carroll's AMEX backup data center project?

Isn't Guilford County's prison farm within the 9,000 acres?

Why not fund water and sewer to the prison farm
like Robbie and Roy promised?

In my view, what happened with the $19 million was an incentive for Roy Carroll's AMEX data center that didn't come with the publicly reported deal.

How much will Sam Simpson make 
on the millions to be voted on Tuesday?

American Express had eliminated about 1,600 Greensboro employees at their call center.

How much did the city spend 
to get the sewer line installed under I-40 
for Roy Carroll's AMEX backup data center project?

Robbie said there would be no incentive package.

How much will Sam Simpson make
if Greensboro taxpayers give about $24 million
in water and sewer infrastructure
 to another county?

Next thing anyone knew, the water sewer infrastructure leading to the American Express site was allocated from the trust fund for Roy's property which now has the data center.

Maybe the biggest incentives aren't called incentives.

If Greensboro "invested" in water and sewer for 9,000 acres in eastern Guilford County, why does the Haystack proposal say it isn't it all coming from Greensboro instead of other municipalities, if what Robbie said happened, happened?

How much did the city spend 
to get the sewer line installed under I-40 
for Roy Carroll's AMEX backup data center project?

Maybe the biggest taxpayer rip-off of the last few years is the one almost no one is aware of.

Think Roy's Rhino will investigate?

...It's not as though I didn't tell John personally on multiples of occasions.

It's not as though I didn't tell John about Robbie's Gunter Crossing deal before the Bill Knight loss.

Did Guilford County's Commissioners know that Chester Brown was about to own Gunter's Crossing when he represented Robbie Perkins' LLC for a $124,000 grant?
...Why wasn't the money Greensboro taxpayers "invested" in eastern Guilford County for "9,000 acres of development" good enough to get to the prison farm?...

How much did the city spend 
to get the sewer line installed under I-40 
for Roy Carroll's AMEX backup data center project?

...I predict the Rhino will under-report incentive deals related to Roy Carroll's friends or Roy, and continue to scrutinize deals that would compete with Roy or his friends."