Monday, November 2, 2015

Greensboro's elite, government and elected leadership is maintaining power via monetary heroin

Since the 2008/9 financial crisis, the world's central banks, largest financial institutions, wealthy investors, advertising dependent media, paid for economists and entrenched politicians dependent on campaign cash/ bribes etc..., have been kicking the economic reckoning can.

Quantitative Easing caused low interest rates to prop up real estate, financial markets and social spending by financing public deficits with money created out of thin air, which benefited Greensboro's ruling class.

Artificially imposed stability creates ever larger levels of real instability, no different than those with addictions to harmful substances.

Most global central bank balance sheets have at least doubled recently, and will likely reap unintended consequences.

Many Emerging Market and smaller European countries enjoyed the benefits of borrowing far more than could be repaid.

Other countries who could, took advantage of low interest rates while printing money to keep their respective currencies competitively low relative to the US dollar.

If confidence falls and interest rates rise, the value of the underlying debt falls.

The more investors begin to realize Quantitative Easing (printing money) didn't work, the sooner Emperors will appear to be holding up a financial house of cards, forcing the house to collapse with greater speed.

As the global economy is clearly slowing, many who didn't understand yesterday are suddenly awake, looking at naked Empires, now that the veil of QE can be seen for what it is.

I believe Greensboro faces an extensive economic downturn, where those elected, their financial supporters and the City's crony executives take the blame.

It's just a question of how and when a very pushed on string snaps back in their faces.

This has taken far too long, which means the consequences are likely greater.