Wednesday, March 30, 2016

“We didn’t see this coming,” Republican House member John Hardister told Triad City Beat." after voting for HB2, which Brian Cleary didn't mention in the article

"Hardister tells us: the furniture market authority reporting that hundreds if not thousands of customers won’t be coming; mayors from New York, San Francisco and Seattle forbidding employees from coming here on official business; Rob Reiner saying he won’t shoot any movies in North Carolina. The NBA All-Star Game, scheduled for Charlotte in February 2017, could be pulled.

Now the state GOP is in damage-control mode. But in the meantime, we should make them pay."

Brian can't seem to bring himself to tell his readers Jon Hardister is one of those, who he interviewed for the article, is one among John Blust, Phil Berger, John Faircloth and Trudy Wade etc... who voted for hate legislation.

He didn't mention those who voted for it who some of his readers voted for.

It's called journalistic cowardice.

The News and Record does the same.

This is the kind of news industry Greensboro has.

Brian still wants the political advertising revenue from Hardister, so he misleads his readers for the benefit of his pocketbook.