Monday, April 25, 2016

Bigots trying not to look like bigots to get reelected; "Steinburg, Hunter: HB2 needs changes"

"Area lawmakers generally agree that House Bill 2 — North Carolina's so-called “bathroom law” — needs changes in the upcoming short session – though several stand by its core provisions.

Steinburg was ...a primary sponsor

...Both Steinburg and Hunter said they stand by the core provision of HB2, however, which is a response to a Charlotte non-discrimination ordinance that provided a right for transgender individuals to use the bathrooms and changing rooms corresponding with their gender identity.

Where does the Charlotte ordinance say transgender individuals
can use changing rooms and public showers?

Passage of the Charlotte ordinance outraged Republicans and conservative groups, who claims it created the risk of sexual predators abusing the transgender protections to enter bathrooms and changing rooms for illicit purposes.

Which is already illegal

...HB2 also contains other provisions that go beyond setting rules on bathroom access. One sets a statewide discrimination policy...and provides that the state's nondiscrimination policy doesn't create legal claims in state court.

It's that last provision that Steinburg and Hunter join McCrory in wanting to undo.

The law is addressing a public safety issue, Steinburg said, citing support for the bathroom provision from the N.C. Sheriff’s Association.

The N.C. Sheriff’s Association

[Howard Hunter III, D-Hertford], said he's been avoiding comment on HB2 because he believes people “twisted” his words to think he was suggesting transgender individuals were sexual predators.

...Hunter blasted Republicans for giving his committee only five minutes to review the bill during March's one-day short session.

State Sen. Bill Cook, R-Beaufort, apparently stands behind HB2 in its entirety. Asked repeatedly via email if he supports any changes to the bill, he simply said “I stand by my vote.”

State Sen. Bill Cook has now confirmed he is a bigot

...Asked about evidence of sexual predators exploiting transgender protections, Cook pointed to a February news report in Seattle where a man entered a women's pool changing room and asserted his right to change in there. The man never claimed to be transgender, but also did not assault anyone.

Cook said in an email Friday, “It is simple, we don't believe grown men should be allowed to go to the bathroom or take off their clothes in the presence of little girls. This was wrong and we stopped it.”

Where does the Charlotte ordinance say 
"grown men should be allowed to go to the bathroom 
or take off their clothes in the presence of little girls"?

Asked about enforcement issues related to HB2 – specifically how one verifies restrooms and changing rooms are being used by persons of that biological sex – Steinburg conceded that many transgender individuals may use their preferred facilities anyway, as they may have been doing without attention or incident.

Steinburg said the state's small population of transgender individuals were never the target of HB2, but potential sexual predators were."