Thursday, May 26, 2016

Hillary Clinton should not be President of the United States of America. She should be arrested.

"Clinton’s Email Deceptions; The State [Department] IG finds she knew the security risks she was taking.

Hillary Clinton has said for more than a year that her use of a private email server as Secretary of State violated no federal rules and posed no security risk. everyone has proof of her deceptions in a scathing report from State Department Inspector General Steve Linick.

What Greensboro pols 
are going to or have Hillary Clinton signs in their yards?

...the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee broke federal record-keeping rules, never received permission for her off-grid server, ignored security concerns raised by other officials, and employed a staff that flouted the rules with the same disdain she did.

So who in Greensboro's political elite are okay with Clinton's actions 
and will sit in silence and vote for her?

“Secretary Clinton should have preserved any Federal records she created and received on her personal account...

Supporting Clinton is supporting a un-indicted felon

“At a minimum, Secretary Clinton should have surrendered all emails dealing with Department business before leaving government service and, because she did not do so, she did not comply with the Department’s policies that were implemented in accordance with the Federal Records Act.”

State still has never received emails from her private account for the first six weeks after she became Secretary, and the IG notes that it found (by other means) business-related emails that Mrs. Clinton did not include among the emails she has turned over.

If David Petraeus pleaded guilty of mishandling classified information, 
so should Hillary Clinton

The report says she has also stonewalled requests to obtain her server. And “through her counsel, Secretary Clinton declined [the IG’s] request for an interview.” Former Secretaries Madeleine Albright, Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice and current Secretary John Kerry all sat for interviews.

Hillary put our country in more harm than less

Mrs. Clinton’s staff abetted her bad practices. The report says the IG “learned of extensive use of personal email accounts by four immediate staff members (none of whom responded to the questionnaire)...

She may have been responsible for lost lives

...Mrs. Clinton neither sought nor received permission for her private communications. The former Secretary also understood the security risks this posed because she was warned several times.

In March 2011 the Assistant Secretary for Diplomatic Security sent Mrs. Clinton a memorandum that warned of a “dramatic increase” in attempts by “cyber actors to compromise the private home e-mail accounts of senior Department officials,” with an eye toward “technical surveillance and possible blackmail.”

Following that memo, security staff twice briefed Mrs. Clinton’s immediate staff on this threat. ...Mrs. Clinton and her staff ignored her own warnings.

And the News and Record will endorse her

One official suggested State set up a stand-alone computer for Mrs. Clinton in her office to check the Internet and private email. That never happened. A different official suggested she have two mobile devices—one for personal use and one with a “State Department email account” that would “be subject to [Freedom of Information Act] requests.” Her team said no.

Are her contributors going to ask for their money back?

As for Mrs. Clinton’s claim that her private account was secure, the report cites several instances of techies shutting down her server due to hacking concerns. “Notification is required when a user suspects compromise of, among other things, a personally owned device containing personally identifiable information,” says the report. But the IG says it found “no evidence” that Mrs. Clinton or her staff filed such reports."

This sets a terrible precedent for our country

So far, a citizen running for president broke the law, 
and has not been held to account

Bernie Sanders should be the Democratic nominee