Thursday, July 28, 2016

Borrowed money for slum lords and developers to be paid for by City of Greensboro taxpayers

"...The housing bond money will be used for rental units as well as owner-occupied homes.  So some multifamily property owners who have let their property deteriorate could greatly benefit.


This is redistribution to campaign contributors

...Also under community development there is $4 million for "small infill development" projects, and nobody seems to know how this money will be spent.  Or, to put it more accurately, you get different answers from different people on what this money is for.  It seems to fall under the definition of mad money, since any development currently inside the city limits can be considered infill development.

Congrats developers in Greensboro, North Carolina, 
your projects will receive funding paid for by everyone else
compliments of crooked politicians 

...There was, for instance, some support on the City Council for cutting the money for the downtown from $25 million to $20 million, but no discussion of what projects would be eliminated.  The discussion included statements like, "I'd be more comfortable at 20."  But evidently more councilmembers were comfortable at $25 million, for whatever that's worth.

On top of the $35 million approved to be borrowed for the PAC
without a referendum by a crooked City Council, with John Hammer's help,
compliments of Roy Carroll, who stands to profit from the borrowed money

...The downtown Greenway completion is under the parks and rec bond for $7 million.  This is a project that has been in the works for 15 years and less than a mile has been completed.  There is also $7 million to connect the Atlantic and Yadkin Greenway to the downtown Greenway.  The now abandoned Atlantic and Yadkin railroad tracks run along Battleground Avenue and between Battleground Avenue and Lawndale Drive.  It will provide a walking and biking trail from northern Greensboro into the downtown.

...the only figures that matter are the totals: housing $25 million, community and economic development $38.5 million, parks and recreation $32.5 million and sidewalks, intersections, transit and street resurfacing $30 million.

And your only chance to speak to the City Council before it votes on what goes on the ballot in November is Monday, August 1 at 5:30 in the Council Chambers at city hall."