Monday, August 8, 2016

A "Say Yes to Education" Google search
There are 104 posts on "Say Yes to Education" on this site, and not one made into Google's search engine under "all"..
"President Obama will highlight 'Say Yes to Education' in Syracuse

President Barack Obama will use his appearance in Syracuse on Thursday to tout the city's "Say Yes to Education" program as a national model...

...the president chose Henninger High School as the only non-college stop on his two-day trip because of its involvement with the "Say Yes" program.

"He will indeed be lifting up the 'Say Yes' program as an important community commitment,"...

It appears the truth is regulated by Google etc..., which owns a good chunk of the government
via control over what information can be found on the internet

Maybe what Billy and I are doing is legal, 
but that doesn't mean 'they' are going to let us tell too many about it.

"...County Executive Joanie Mahoney announced that $20 million dollars from the region’s Upstate Revitalization Initiative will go towards Syracuse’s Say Yes to Education endowment. The program provides college tuition to public high school graduates in Syracuse and was facing a fundraising shortfall until the announcement.

Taxpayer funds

Syracuse’s Say Yes to Education program needed to raise $20 million by next year in order to continue operations. County Executive Joanie Mahoney said upstate revitalization funds will be covering the gap.

Syracuse was going to go under, 
until the state stepped in with monies confiscated from everyone else in New York

...Earlier on Tuesday, Say Yes to Education announced a $400,000 donation from the city of Syracuse.

They are going to ask Greensboro and North Carolina taxpayers
to pick up the tab with little transparency

That was the last amount needed to match an SRC grant of $5 million, bringing the program’s scholarship endowment an additional $10 million. The Syracuse chapter of Say Yes needed a total of $30 million to pay for the scholarships that the National Say Yes organization will stop paying for in 2017."