Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Revenge of the Downtown Mural Nazis

From Zack's Drug Dealer by Fec.

Are these charges true? I didn't make them and although I often share the same sources as does Fec, I've not been privy to this information thus far and don't know where he got it from. You decide. But remember what Ogi Overman wrote in April of 2016:

"After Kennedy had made the scale drawing of her mural, had it transferred onto a transparency to be projected onto a wall and had blocked out several weeks to do the mural, she found out the sponsors of the mural project insisted the muralists be local residents.

But Kennedy, 31, was not one to take no for an answer.

“I’d already fallen in love with Greensboro by then,” she said. “I’ve been all over the country and never have I seen such warm and caring people. It’s just unbelievable the way the people around here took me in.”

Kim Kennedy financed her own mural project in Downtown Greensboro without the help of the City funded and Kotis run Downtown Mural Project, paying for it through a Kickstarter campaign on a building that had not been selected by the Downtown Mural Project.

Nor had the buildings owned by Eric Robert, who paid for the murals on his buildings, been selected to receive murals by the Downtown Mural Project.

But are Fec's claims to be believed? Often, far more times than he is wrong, he turns out to be right. As a matter of fact: his record far excels that of the local News & Fishwrap.

So what's my relationship to Fec? We admire each other and can't stand each other at the same time. In other words, it's complicated and we've learned to like it that way.