Friday, October 27, 2017

If I Were Mayor Of Greensboro: Part 43, Communicating With Voters

This is a continuation of my series, Billy Jones For Mayor of Greensboro
One of the things that has troubled me for years is the way we communicate with our Mayor and City Council. All of our City Council members have a Facebook presence but Facebook allows them to pick and chose who gets access to what they post there.

Numerous Facebook groups exist but those groups are filled with problems like:

Disappearing Facebook comments

Disappearing Facebook posts

Group administrators who wrongly control content on Facebook

False reports of spam on Facebook

Fake profiles on Facebook

Blocking administrators in Facebook groups

Or how about things like people who don't live or vote anywhere near Greensboro, North Carolina taking control of conversations as if it were their tax dollars that were being spent. On numerous occasions I have discovered out of town business owners using Greensboro's 2 biggest Facebook groups to manipulate public opinion in directions that would be more favorable to their businesses but the forum rules don't allow such things to be exposed to the groups. You're not allowed to mention where someone lives or works. Don't we deserve something better?

So I have decided, if I am elected Mayor of Greensboro I will build an online forum that is free to Greensboro voters and Greensboro voters only, where all the problems above do not happen. Users will use their real names and their names will be checked against the North Carolina Board of Elections so that only registered voters living in Greensboro may join.

Then we can talk about how to build a better Greensboro as everything on this forum will be public record.

After all, if we can't communicate openly and honestly we can't create change.

And to sweeten the deal, I'll pay for it out of my own pocket.

Write-in Billy Jones for Mayor and Thessa Pickett for District 2; get rid of all the incumbents and save our city.

Please continue reading If I Were Mayor Of Greensboro: Part 44, First Things First