Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Downtown Greensboro Performing Arts Center: The Lies Never Cease

The Greensboro Coliseum Complex has lost money every year since its inception circa 1958. How many $Millions did we-the-people kick in?

The Greensboro Civil Rights Museum was predicted to lure in 200,000 people per year. 40,000 showed up. How many $Millions did we-the-people kick in?

The ACC Hall of Champions was predicted to lure in 170 thousand visitors per year. 6,456 people showed up. How many $Millions did we-the-people kick in?

The Aquatic Center? I'm still searching for numbers but how many $Millions did we-the-people kick in?

Downtown proponents have yet to prove it feasible and still they continue. How many $Millions will we-the-people kick in.

Are we looking a gift horse in the mouth?

The local newspaper hopes to sell its $20 Million Dollar parcel of downtown property as the site of the proposed downtown performing arts center but the local newspaper lies by omission.

The Council meets in secret, works to hide evidence and conflicts of interest arise.

The people in charge of keeping score won't show us the numbers.

The accounting is flawed.

The Mayor's campaign report is incomplete. Maybe that's why the Mayor can't sleep at night.

I guess when it comes to making a profit the lies don't count.

And should you be a first time visitor to this blog, please don't assume I'm against building a Greensboro Performing Arts Center. I'm not. But I am against a downtown performing arts center built at taxpayers expense. Unlike the NIMBYS, I want the PAC built in in my back yard as a means to make Government responsible to the needs of the entire City of Greensboro and not just the rich elites.

I won't make any assumptions about how much an East Greensboro Performing Arts Center might take in nor will I toss around numbers I've no way to prove. I do know for a fact that putting the PAC on the East Greensboro location I picked will save the taxpayers $20 Million Dollars right off the top. No subsidys, no hotel myths no task force that fails the rest of the city and no economic hocus-pocus, I just want what is fair and just for all of Greensboro and don't mind saying it should start inside my neighborhood.

But like I said, I'm flexible.

Continue to article #28 The Grocery Store Ain't Coming