Monday, February 20, 2012

John Amberg On The East Greensboro Performing Arts Center

Local radio personality and Piedmont Blues Society supporter, John Amberg comments on the Mayor's efforts to ramrod a performing arts center into downtown Greensboro. I've taken Mr Amberg's comments slightly out of context here but the meaning remains the same.

"Remember, this is the same mayor who pledged to listen to all sides. This is the mayor who pledged to let everyone have a voice. Now this same mayor is saying "this is going to happen." And just to make sure it's going to happen, the person to lead the PAC task force is-voila!-the mayor's campaign manager.

THIS is the new day Greensboro was promised? This is change? This is leadership?

We can debate the merits of a performing arts center until the earth cools. Sure, it would be nice. But the way it's being conducted, the good-old-boy system, the turns my stomach. Don't you expect better out of the people who campaigned on a platform of change?

I can't believe people are okay with this. I can't believe there is no outrage over the process.

This stinks on ice."

John continues,

"Wow, not sure it deserves such billing, but okay. Look, I'm not necessarily against a performing arts center in downtown Greensboro. But 2 things: 1. as I stated, the process is a real problem. We can't have a mayor who promised to listen to the public come out and all but say the PAC is a fait accompli. 2. I think the Carolina Theatre is getting the short shrift in this deal. As I have asked before, is there no way to expand/rehab/refurbish the Carolina Theatre? Do we want to put existing venues out of business? There are things that need to be thought about and discussed. Having the mayor make statements like "It's gonna happen" and having his former campaign manager as the lead on this project sends a terrible message. The message is "nothing has changed except party affiliation." This town deserves better."

You're right, John, this town does deserve better. East Greensboro deserves better. And until the area inside the little green circle is added to the feasability study and the facts made public Greensboro-- all of Greensboro-- has no voice.

A platform of change...

Like John, I'm not against a Greensboro Performing Arts Center. But I am for Greensboro, including East Greensboro, having a say in the process.

Continue to article #47 East Greensboro Needs A Face Lift Too