Thursday, February 16, 2012

This Issue Has Become One Of Civic Pride

The title is part of a comment by an anonymous and apparently not so proud commenter on my recent thread, What's Wrong With This Picture? But what does civic pride really mean?

Is civic pride building monuments to local foundations in the middle of downtown traffic circles? (Read the plaque.)

Is civic pride building an aquatic center that 99% of Greensboro's residents will never see the inside of?

Is civic pride a consideration in where to place a performing arts center?

If yes, then what about the deteriorating neighborhoods and falling property values of East Greensboro? Is that not also a matter of civic pride or is the community upon which Greensboro was first built something Greensboro's elites would prefer not to deal with?

You tell me.

Because if downtown Greensboro is the only place considered as the site of the Greensboro Performing Arts Center then this city has no shame and only false pride to weight it down. You see, pride is something you earn and not something you can buy with tax dollars. Greensboro has no pride but continues 50 years of shame.

Continue to article #44 Greensboro Performing Arts Center: The Soul Of Our Community