Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A Letter To The Business Journal

After reading Can a vision for a Greensboro performing arts center come together in 80 days? by Owen Covington, Reporter - The Business Journal, I decided to e-mail Owen with the following:

"Mr. Covington,
Have you asked the folks behind the planning to build a downtown Greensboro performing arts center if any locations other than downtown and the Greensboro Coliseum Complex are being considered as possible locations for the Greensboro Performing Arts Center? If yes, then what was their answer? If no, then why not?

Have you asked Steven Wolff of AMS Planning & Research these same questions and what was his response?

Have you asked Kathy Manning or others on the Task Force if they are considering other parts of the city?

There are those of us in Greensboro who feel the performing arts center should be built somewhere other than downtown and not a part of the monstrosity on High Point Road. We believe that every Greensboro community should share in the wealth and prosperity that downtown boosters claim will come to downtown should a PAC be built there.

We fear our voices are not being listened to as the City of Greensboro continues to spend our hard earned tax dollars on PR and planning to build what many believe entertainment for the rich at the expense of the working class.

There are thousands of us and we want to be heard.

Thank you
-Billy Jones East Greensboro Performing Arts Center

PS. I've posted this letter online in the hope that you or someone from The Business Journal will respond."

It will be interesting to see if The Business Journal also ignores us.

Continue to article #65. Yeah, Right.