Saturday, March 31, 2012

There's Greensboro Economic Development And Then There's...

From Fox8:

"“The reason everybody wants to come downtown right now is because it’s taken care of,” Billy Jones said. “My neighborhood’s not, and it hasn’t been in over 50 years. It’s about time it happened.”

Jones wants the city to build the performing arts center in his neighborhood in northeast Greensboro. City council asked the task force to study the economic impact of a performing arts center downtown, so it’s not considering other areas."

And from TW14:

"Lifelong Greensboro resident Billy Jones said the city should look beyond the downtown, "by building one of Greensboro's gems in a community, then the city is invested in that community and is forced to look after the needs of that community."

You can't really blame the task force for not looking at other neighborhoods as that was never their charge but you can blame task force leader, Ross Harris, for censoring their Twitter feed to keep out opposing views. But then, Ross Harris is employed by Mayor Perkins who made the decision to never consider the rest of Greensboro. As a matter of fact: the Mayor is planning to skip over Greensboro altogether and spend over $5 Million Dollars in taxpayer funded economic development bonds to help his buddy, Roy Carroll, build a 100 acre industrial park 10 miles east of Greensboro.

There's economic development and then there's bailing out your rich friends who mistakenly invested their money in failed ventures. If Robbie Perkins want to give Roy Carroll millions of Dollars then let the Mayor write a check on his own bank account-- not ours!

And just so you know, GPAC2012 isn't the only site with a Twitter feed. On the right side of every page on this website there is a widget that displays every twit tagged #GPAC2012 even if you disagree with me. After all, how can we have open and honest conversations that only present one side of the story.

Continue to article #86. Bad News For Mayor Perkins.