Monday, April 2, 2012

Bad News For Mayor Perkins

I begin this morning with a quote from the Greensboro News And Record:

"Some humble suggestions: Make sure you’re not preaching to the choir. Make more aggressive efforts to get bigger, more diverse turnouts. Go to the people if they don’t come to you

Ask harder questions. Invite skeptics to sound off.

Then address their concerns.

This process should be like a pressure valve: The more you keep it turned wide-open, the less distrust and skepticism there’s likely to be."

And yet, Ross Harris and her boss, Mayor Robbie Perkins, are still trying to control the agenda.

Here's a little secret, Mayor Perkins: The more you hide, the louder we get. The lies have been exposed. Your plans were flawed from the beginning. When you stack the deck the players find another game. Roy Carroll screwed his customers and you covered for him. John Hammer can't help you. The News & Record has turned its back on you. Your most ardent supporters are turning against you. We know the pseudonyms of your political allies who work to spin your rhetoric. Soon, the entire City Council will refuse to support you in order to save their own power and influence.

You cannot continue to deny Greensboro communities while pitching your own pet projects and those of your friends. We've had enough. We will expose your every maniacal indiscretion, talk directly to your customers and explain that we'll not support any project in which you and your company have any interest. We will go after everything you've built or try to build.

Even Robbie Perkins can't control Google.

If you wish to build a performing arts center in Greensboro you will change the charge of the PAC task force to consider all of Greensboro's neighborhoods and not just your own neighborhood. You see, some of us actually know the history of Greensboro and remember your empty promises.

And if Roy Carroll goes bankrupt because he can't sell out Center Point: It's nothing to the citizens of Greensboro because the banks will continue to sell those condos and pay the property taxes long after after Roy is gone.

Or you can prepare to end up poor like the rest of us.

Only liars fear the truth and politicians who truly work for the people do not attempt to censor the voice of the people

For those who are reading this website for the very first time, this is the 86th article I've written in my effort to bring the Greensboro Performing Arts Center to the little green circle in Northeast Greensboro. If you'd like to know more you can begin with Why Not East Greensboro? or peruse the Table of Contents.

Continue to article #87. Still Saying Only What They Want You To Know.