Wednesday, February 22, 2012

More Empty Promises?

Professor David Wharton writes,

"We already have $134,108,500 in approved (2008) bond projects that are still outstanding, which were slated to be completed "in 5 to 7 years". Four years later, the majority of big projects have not yet reached the design phase, and none of them has been completed. In fact, as I understand it, most of the bonds for these projects have not yet been sold. Many neighborhoods have been waiting patiently for the improvements that the public approved in 2008.

I would like to know by what process the council schedules the sale of these bonds, and whether the current mayor and council intend the proposed PAC and economic development bonds to cut into the queue ahead of these projects."

To which I replied.

"Excellent points, Professor Wharton. And questions that should be answered before more neighborhoods are destroyed to benefit downtown."

Could it be possible that the very projects we were promised in 2008 will soon be forgotten by the Greensboro City Council so that they may first build a downtown performing arts center? And will buyers of bonds be steered towards PAC bonds and away from the projects we were promised in 2008 and before? If the City has been unable to sell the 2008 bonds then how will they be able to sell the 2012 bonds?

Isn't 1000 acres of nothing enough? I'm tired of broken promises. And you should be too. I think it's high time we-the-taxpayers told downtown developers and the Greensboro City Council: You'll build the performing arts center inside the little green circle and prove your commitment to our neighborhoods or you'll have no performing arts center to build. Ever!

Update: Ed Cone repeats the questions asked by Professor Wharton.

Continue to article #51 Greensboro's Fine Line