Monday, October 1, 2012

DGI Reduction Of Service Districts

The following City of Greensboro regulation pertaining to Downtown Greensboro Incorporated has been pointed out to me.

"§ 160A‑538.1. Reduction of service districts.
(a) Upon finding that there is no longer a need..."

Considering the fact that DGI has been unable to spend all the money given to it thus far but still charges the City for managing said monies I've decided to reconsider and recommend that DGI be cut off from all City of Greensboro funding in an attempt to force the Greensboro Partnership to close DGI altogether. The City of Greensboro is perfectly capable of managing its own taxes and disbursements to downtown businesses just like the City manages taxes and disbursements to the other 99% of Greensboro's taxpayers without paying management fees to do so.

The truth is: The City of Greensboro does not have the legal authority to close any non profit such as DGI but the City can and should stop funding DGI and should stop requiring downtown business owners to fund DGI if they do not wish to participate. If DGI can stand on their on then so be it. If not, then let their prehistoric leadership die along with the rest of the stupid dinosaurs.

And the Greensboro Partnership under all its many aliases, should be forbidden from funneling City Tax Dollars to DGI.