Saturday, October 20, 2012

Post RUCO Board: Another Rigged Game

Nowhere did the News & Record or any other local media report on the City Council's concern at Tuesday night's meeting that the makeup of the Post RUCO Board might not be constructed as it should have been constructed or that there were ZERO renters included on the board but now with this week's report from the City Manager we learn the make up of the board.

Marlene Sanford, President of TREBIC
Dawn Cheney, commercial property owner and TREBIC supporter, Greensboro Landlord Association
Thomas L. White Jr. of Alliance Commercial Apartment Management, Piedmont Triad Apartment Association
R. Bryon Nelson of MEGA BUILDERS, LLC. former chair of the RUCO board
Jeff Nimmer of Kotis Properties substutiting for Tim Vincent, Chairman of Greensboro Minimum Housing Commission
Michael Pendergraft, Greensboro Neighborhood Congress
Beth McGee Hugler, Greensboro Housing Coalation
Paul Ksieniewicz, Greensboro Human Relations Commission-- Montgomery/Wells Housing Committee

But not one single renter. And how many home owners from neighborhoods like my own Northeast Greensboro neighborhood, Glenwood or the many other working class Greensboro neighborhoods who live with the aftermath of TREBIC and slumlords for decade after decade?

Even Beth Hugler testified before Council that the board had made no progress even though it is due to report it's final recommendations in less than 2 weeks. As George Hartzman put it,

"Pretty obvious who is on what side. Nancy Hoffman and Robbie defend the status quo. Denise is doing her job as a Greensboro Partnership Lobbyist. Great set up. Took years to consolidate that kind of power.

I believe Robbie Perkins, when talking about how the state legislation eliminated RUCO, was very disingenuous as he funded TREBIC and stacked the RUCO board to get rid of RUCO at the state level, while exemptions were made for Charlotte and Raleigh.

This is Crony Capitalist politics in motion."

And there you have it: The public is barred from speaking! The renters have no voice, deliberatly shut out as if their voices do not count, as if they do not matter. Why? Because to Robme Perkins, TREBIC and Greensboro's elite they don't matter.