Friday, January 11, 2013

Marty Kotis Brings Roses Back To Northeast Greensboro

When I was growing up we used to shop at Roses Five and Dime in the Summit Shopping Center while my mother bought groceries next door at the A&P Grocery Store. Most weeks we could only look but if we saved our allowance long enough we could eventually buy something we wanted really badly.

As a well known local liberal I can't say that I'm a fan of the political activities of Art Pope, owner of Roses Stores but I support Marty Kotis of Kotis Properties and his effort to put a Roses Store in the abandoned Winn-Dixie Store (formerly Zayre) at Cone and Summit. The fact is: We need the jobs.

Yes, I know Mr Kotis is hoping to borrow money from the City of Greensboro to prepare the building for rental and I admit to having been a bit more than leery about the arrangements when  council first voted on the matter a few months ago but having looked deeper into the matter and having talked with Marty and Nancy I'm happy with the arrangement.

For starters: the loan is at regular rates and not low interest like I thought before. Marty isn't borrowing the money until he has a customer. The property stands good for the loan. Marty is a lifetime Greensboro resident who not only develops properties but also owns a local brewery and several restaurants here in town. It's a loan, not an incentive, Marty isn't asking Greensboro taxpayers to give our hard earned money to rich bastards. Had the News & Record done a better job of covering the story from the beginning I would have probably never been against it at all.

And something you might not know about Marty: He refuses to rent to Sweepstakes operators because their gambling operations take advantage of the poor.

Good luck, Marty, I hope the City Council approves your loan. I'd loan it to you myself but I'm a little short right now. Hell, if I had it I'd probably give it away.