Sunday, January 26, 2014

Incentives In Greensboro: Part 16

On Dec 29, 2013, in a Greensboro News & Record Article entitled, City Handles Incentives Effectively, Greensboro Mayor Nancy Baracat Vaughan wrote:

"While economic development has been a major priority for the council, we have been careful to not use or take funding away from other city departments, programs or services."

Mayor Vaughan also penned:

"We've also focused on creative concepts to offer opportunities to businesses that want to grow in Greensboro."

This is part of my ongoing series, Incentives In Greensboro. all consecutivly linked so you can easily read them all start to finish. Today I present you with several examples of taking funding away from other departments and what I think Mayor Vaughan means when she writes, "creative concepts" from what is said to be the complete list of 2013 Grants, Loans and Incentives paid out by the City of Greensboro for your consideration. All 27 pages

I find it interesting that in 2013 Triad Stage, the Piedmont Triad Film Commission and the Greensboro Community Theater were all in need of public support and yet the Greensboro City Council voted to undermine them all by going full steam ahead with the downtown performing arts center. That's called creative needs for the future.

I find it interesting that the loan to Ashley Creek is listed under Energy Efficiency Improvements when according the local media reports, the loans were to solve issues caused by flooding. Is Greensboro perhaps misappropriating some of the funding received from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development? You'll notice that came under the heading of Neighborhood Development Services.

I hear that HUD is investigating the South Elm St Redevelopment Project, perhaps HUD should be looking into Ashley Creek as well?

Never mind that the slum lord owners of Ashley Creek Apartments were being rewarded by the Greensboro City Council for being slum lords.

Then there's the grants to downtown building owners to comply with the downtown Good Repair Ordinance. Talk about government creating a concept (problem) so that government can provide a solution-- a classic example if there ever was. And why is building maintenance and repair being drawn from the Economic Development Bond Fund?

And while I still believe the $850,000 Big Box Redevelopment loan to Kotis Properties was and remains an excellent investment for the City of Greensboro why was the money taken from the vehicle maintenance fund and not the secret $272,083,730 fund which somehow and without explanation, lost $1 Million Dollars last year?

Let's see, you've got $272,083,730 in investments losing money so you borrow money to loan to developers and others for economic development? Makes sense to me, does it make sense to you?

Triad Local First? That seems like a good cause. But did you know that beforte Action Greensboro got the City of Greensboro to give them money to launch Triad Local First there was already a successful, privatly funded local first effort under way right here in Greensboro? The powers that be used your tax dollars to push the privately funded effort out of the picture. Again, a concept (problem) was created so that government could fill it.

I could go on but I'll let you search the list of 2013 Grants, Loans and Incentives and see what other anomalies you might find.

Continue reading Incentives In Greensboro: Part 17.