Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Steven Tanger Campus of the University of North Carolina

 My latest letter to the Editor of the News and Record published this morning:

"We've all heard talk of a downtown university campus to be built in Greensboro. Problem is: like everything else, how do we pay for it?

Well luckily for Greensboro the Steven Tanger Performing Arts Center boondoggle brought to us by the Community Foundation and the City Council has provided us the ways and means to build the downtown university campus at no further cost to the City.

That's right, let's make lemon aid from lemons. Let's use the existing buildings and properties paid for by the City to house the downtown campus. And if the TPAC supporters are genuine in their support for Greensboro's economic development they'll quickly get on board and donate their $35 Million Dollars to the Steven Tanger Campus of the University of North Carolina.

And we can do it with no further costs to the City of Greensboro."