Saturday, March 1, 2014

The Funny Thing About Marikay Abuzuaiter's IRS Lien

Did anyone notice anything strange about the News & Record's reporting of Greensboro City Councilwoman Marikay Abuzuaiter's IRS problems, cause I sure did.

You see, it was on this very blog that the story of the IRS lien against then Mayor Robbie Perkins was first broke even though the News & Record had known of the story for months.

And have we forgotten the Yes-Weekly "leak" concerning Ms Abuzuaiter that sent the entire records departments of the City of Greensboro and the Greensboro Police Department into a tail spin that has yet to be resolved until this day?

And is it any coincidence that when both of these incidents took place, very important votes on the downtown Greensboro Performing Arts Center were/are set to take place in just a few days and that Marikay Abuzuaiter has consistently voted no on GPAC, the Wyndham Hotel incentive package, the Ashley Creek incentive deal and almost every incentive deal that has come before City Council since she first took office?

As a matter of fact: Marikay Abuzuaiter has voted no on more incentive deals than any other current member of the Greensboro City Council who has served a full term.

Yes. Ms Abuzuaiter has IRS issues she must deal with but the News & Record's reporting of this incident is suspect to say the least. This is an attempt on the part of Greensboro's elites and the News & Record to discredit Ms Abuzuaiter and distract voters' attention away from the upcoming vote on the Greensboro Performing Arts Center come Tuesday night.

Why? Because the GPAC contract is rigged. Part 1 and Part 2.