Thursday, March 13, 2014

Was Mujeeb Fired? Is He Hiding Something?

Correction: Roch points out the following in the comments below:

 "No, look at the dates. You received two contracts. The original has the three month severance (p7 of the pdf). The one modified with the srike-through and the new six months severance was signed by Nancy Vaughan who was not mayor when Shah-Kahn was hired, but was after council voted to modify his contract to get him out the door (p.3 of the pdf)."
My bad. Begin original post.

As most of you are aware, Greensboro City attorney S Mujeeb Shah-Khan allegedly resigned recently over the $750,000 Oops!

Here's the employment contract he signed when he was hired, It indicates he began the job with a guarantee of 6 months severance pay in contrast to what the News & Record reported:

"Shah-Khan negotiated a six-month severance package, double the pay required by his employment contract."

Are existing contracts simply crossed out without new contracts being written up or was the correction made before the original contract was signed? If existing, signed contracts can be crossed out then what good are contracts?

You decide. Methinks somebody is fabricating... again. Methinks a grand jury investigation should be demanded.