Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Zack Matheny's Wyndham Text Messages: Part 7: Two Simple Questions For Zack

This morning I e-mailed Councilman Zack Matheny and others the following e-mail:

"So in Zack Matheny's Wyndham Text Messages: Part 6, Say Your Prayers, Zack http://greensboroperformingarts.blogspot.com/2014/03/zack-mathenys-wyndham-text-messages_24.html we established that Zack did go to Washington. But not on Tuesday night as Zack had tried to lead me to believe with his text message to Mayor Vaughan indicating that his flight was leaving PTI at 8:10 PM. As a matter of fact: Zack seconded the motion to end Tuesday night's meeting at 10:10 PM... Zack is missing over 24 hours.

In the comments to that post Roch says,

"Zack wanted to leave the Tuesday night council meeting early to catch a flight to DC for the National Prayer Breakfast. He did not make that flight, but left the next day. He may or may not have gone to a party at the house of one of his campaign contributors who was celebrating council's approval of public incentives for the hotel which Zack voted against.

What is the malfeasance we are supposed to be seeing here?"

My reply,

"Roch, I've never mentioned campaign contributors. You seem to be confusing me with George. I've never followed that line of questioning. Perhaps if you'd separate what George is asking from what I'm asking you'd have a better understanding of what is apparently going on."

Before I go on, for the first time, Mr Matheny, Question #1. Did you attend the party celebrating the $1.975 Million Dollar incentive package for the downtown Wyndham hotel?

Roch is correct, there are no laws against attending parties so an honest answer will be appreciated.

For everyone, Zack's company White Oak Capital, Inc can be found here: http://www.secretary.state.nc.us/corporations/corp.aspx?Pitemid=9931737  but there is nothing in the document filings to indicate what White Oak Capital, Inc does, how Zack earns his money. Web searches for White Oak Capital, Inc bring up lots of companies but nothing to indicate how Zack earns his living. Question #2. Would anyone like to venture a guess as to how Zack earns his living?

Zack, would you like to answer that question?
Thanks -Billy Jones
PS. I realize that Mr Matheny is under no legal obligation to answer my questions but I'm sure all reading also realize this will be posted to my blog with or without Zack's answers along with forthcoming questions and answers. Mr Matheny did, after all, answer my first questions with lies: http://greensboroperformingarts.blogspot.com/2014/02/zack-mathenys-wyndham-text-messages.html "

We await Councilman Matheny's reply. Should Councilman Matheny reply I will post his answers to this post.

 Update: 7:00 PM I realize Zack is a busy man but he had time today to update his Zack Matheny For Congress Facebook page and show off his banner at the Greensboro Grasshoppers home stadium using the ploy,

"Please 'Like' and 'Share' if you're excited that Greensboro Grasshoppers Opening Day is only 10 days away!"

If you share you're promoting Zack's campaign.

He also replied to comments to his Facebook post. I wonder why he hasn't had time to answer my questions?

 Please continue reading Zack Matheny's Wyndham Text Messages: Part 8: Fall From Grace