Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Ben, "Ran On A Whim" Holder

From the comments in my last post, Ben Holder's Neighborhood:

In real life, I ran for city council on a whim. I decided about 30 minutes before the filing deadline. My reasons had more to do with the light field than anything you claim. I also support nothing the UNCGPD does. The raids recently in Glenwood were insignificant. Much more of a real estate issue than fighting crime. PS, marijuana busts are stupid in my opinion. "

Not only did Ben show us how superficial he really is but my reply demonstrates how unreliable his "facts" are:

"Speaking of one who has a problem getting his information correct, it was a cocaine bust, Mr Ben, "Ran on a Whim" Holder."

Last year Ben asked for and got my endorsement for City Council because I believed Ben really cared about Greensboro. Turns out Ben Holder was, by his own admission, running on a whim.

Now Mr Holder is claiming a victory with the recent "closing" of the Phongsavanh Market but he fails to realize the Phongsavanh Market has been operating outside the law for years as have the owners of the property who will simply put someone new back in the same building as soon as the smoke clears.

As a matter of fact: these same people own properties like Kim's on Phillips Avenue, the problem property on Martin Luther King Drive, this lovely property located at  2101 E Market St.  and so many more.   

And as I've pointed out many times before, these people have ties to our current Greensboro City Council including Mayor Nancy Baracat Vaughan and former Mayor Robbie Perkins.

But Ben would rather run on a whim and be happy with an occasional bone tossed his way so he can strut around and claim victory than actually change all of Greensboro for the better so like Ed Cone before him he finds a single mistake and discounts entire bodies of evidence.

You know-- on a whim.

I'm tired of trying to help people who only seem to want to trash me. I made the mistake of uncovering hard evidence about something Ben Holder was trying to get resolved and publishing it to my blog in an effort to help Ben help Greensboro but apparently Ben is nothing more than a jealous little prick who thinks I'm trying to steal his thunder. I'm not doing this shit to be popular or to get attention, I'm simply trying to change Greensboro for the better and if attention whores like Ben Holder with their youtube videos of themselves as imaginary wrestling champions can't understand that then you can just go fuck yourselves.

Let it be known, Ben Holder will never hold elected office now.

You see, Ben, you needed me worse than I needed you.